The theme of the motherland in the lyrics of A. A

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Lesson goals.

  • Educational Purpose: find the traditional motifs of the Motherland theme and see the originality of the presentation of this theme by A.A. Blok.
  • Development goal: development of the skill of analyzing poems by A. Blok.
  • educational goal: fostering a sense of love for one's country through the poetics of A. Blok.

Equipment for the lesson: texts, presentation with reproductions of paintings by M. Vrubel. “The Swan Princess”, “Pan”, “Lilac”, “Swan”, “By Night”.

Introduction by the teacher.

In 1911-1912, Blok revised his five collections into a three-volume "Collected Works". Since then, Blok's poetry has existed in the minds of readers as a single lyrical trilogy, and, in the words of the poet, "the trilogy of incarnation." The Motherland becomes the collective image of all books. At one of the literary evenings, Blok read poems from different cycles. He was asked if something from the topic Russia could be done. Blok replied with restraint: "It's all about Russia." Indeed, whatever poem he writes, it is joy, pain, anxiety, admiration - it's all about Russia. Who can argue that “Beautiful Lady”, “Snow Mask”, “Faina”, “Terrible World”, “Scythians”, “Retribution”, “Twelve” are not about Russia. But it is impossible to embrace the immensity in one lesson. Blok has a cycle of poems "Motherland". In class, we will read several poems from this cycle.

Back in 1006, Blok wrote: “I consciously and irrevocably dedicate my life to this topic. I realize more and more clearly that this is the first question, the most vital, the most real. I have been approaching it for a long time, since the beginning of my conscious life, and I know that my path in its main aspiration is like an arrow, straight...”. (Slide #1, #2, #3).

Conversation about the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Question to the class: Is the theme of the Motherland new in literature?

Answer: No.

Teacher: Therefore, what tasks of the lesson will we set for ourselves.

Students answer: Find traditional motives and see the originality of the presentation of this topic by A.A. Blok.

Teacher: At the end of the lesson, you will have to pick up an epigraph for the lesson. This will be your understanding of the topic of the lesson. (Slide number 4)

First task.

Teacher: I suggest you listen to the poem "Rus". (Slide number 5)

With what tone did I read?

Student responses: Intonation of prayer.

Teacher: This is not Russia - this is Russia.

What is she? Choose epithets. Find Blok's favorite motifs.

Student answers: Ancient, wild, witchcraft. Russia, girded with rivers / And surrounded by wilds, / With swamps and cranes, / And the vague gaze of a sorcerer Here are night round dances, and sorcerers, and witches. Russia is fabulous and unpredictable. The favorite motif of a blizzard accompanies the magical image of a girl, giving it a special poetry of the ancient world.

Teacher: What is the state of the lyrical hero?

Students' answers: Mental throwing, delusions and deep love for the motherland. It is Russia that saves a person from the loss of spiritual purity.

I rocked a living soul,
Russia in your expanses you
And behold - she did not stain
original purity.

Teacher: What feature can be seen in the composition of the poem?

Students answer: Ring composition. With what a bright prayerful feeling the poem begins, so it ends.

Teacher: The poet often recognized what he met on the way from Vrubel's paintings. - A day after the funeral of Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel, Blok.A.A. wrote: “I am connected with Vrubel in a vital way and look like him in face.” Let's turn to the reproductions of Vrubel's paintings, find symbolic images, associative series. (Slide number 6).

The teacher draws attention to the painting "The Swan Princess". 1990, "Pan", 1899, "Seated Demon", 1890, "Lilac", "Swan" and others.

A poem from the Motherland cycle. "Russia"

(Slide number 7 listening to the poem “Russia”)

Second task.(Slide number 8).

Teacher: Find the common features of the image of Russia with the pen brothers of the golden age.

  • 1 row compares Lermontov's poem "Russia" and Blok's poem "Russia".
  • 2 row - Pushkin's poem "Winter Road" and Blok's poem "Russia".
  • 3 row - an excerpt from Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" and Blok's poem "Russia".

What traditions of Russian classical literature can be clearly seen in the poem “Russia”. 1908

Students' answers: The image of the road with all its signs passes through the whole work. It occurs in the first stanza:

Again, as in the golden years,
Three worn out harnesses fray,
And painted knitting needles
In loose ruts.

These capacious artistic details: “three worn ... harnesses”, “painted knitting needles”, “loosened ruts” are a support for the reader's imagination, completing the overall picture.

The image of a racing trio appears before the mind's eye.

And the piercing feelings of a declaration of love for Russia fall on him:

Russia, impoverished Russia,
I have your gray huts,
Your songs are windy for me -
Like tears of the first love.
The image of a man - a patriot.

The cross of love, faith, devotion and self-sacrifice of the artist in the name of saving the motherland, to be true to duty.

The image of a working woman, “with a cautious longing”.

But here it is no longer sorcerers and soothsayers, but a Russian woman - a peasant woman.

Analysis of some poems from the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field”. 1908(Slide #9, #10)

Teacher: Undoubtedly, the best that Blok wrote about the Motherland, about its history and modernity, about the feat of serving his country is the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field”. The cycle “On the Kulikovo Field” includes 5 poems related by their content to the well-known historical event - the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, when Russian soldiers led by the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy defeated the hordes of the Golden Horde Khan Mamai. “On the Kulikovo Field” is a cycle not only and not so much a work on a historical theme, but a work about the present, or rather, about the inseparable connection of the past, present and future.”..

It is in this poem that “Oh, my Russia! My wife!". It sounds completely new. Never before in literature has the motherland been so personally, extremely frankly loved. It seems that the symbolist poet sees the image of the motherland as a beloved wife, mother, Mother of God - everything is bright, not stained by anything. The symbolic image allows for various interpretations. But one thing is indisputable: this is the embodiment of a bright ideal that helps the hero survive the most severe trials of time:

The final poem of the cycle finally clarifies its general idea. Turning to the past, Blok did not set himself the goal of educating his contemporaries in the spirit of military prowess and patriotism. In the past, he sought to match the present, and in the present, the past. “The Battle of Kulikovo,” he wrote in a note to the cycle, “belongs to the symbolic events of Russian history. Such events are destined to return, Their solution is yet to come. And, in his opinion, the time of "return" is coming. Decisive changes are coming, in their severity, scope and significance, not only not inferior to the battle on the Kulikovo field, but, perhaps, even surpassing it. Having abandoned the too mobile, “chastushek” four-meter trochaic (the first draft), Blok turns to the more “strict” classical iambic four-foot:

But I recognize you, the beginning
High and rebellious days!
The heart cannot live in peace,
Suddenly the clouds have gathered.
The armor is heavy, as before the battle.
Now your time has come.

With these courageous verses directed to the future, the poet completes his remarkable cycle.

Task three.

Teacher: Write out the images of the symbols of the Motherland.

Student answers: Poor clay. Oh, my Russia! My wife, boundless longing, and eternal battle, steppe mare, sunset in blood, there is no rest. You came down in clothes flowing light. White horse. a face not made by hands, swans, always symbolizing fidelity, purity, devotion, in Blok's poems they are in alarm, in confusion, the image of the sky, they go, frightened clouds go, red, bloody color, the Kulikovo field and so on.

Blood flows from the heart - only a poet who realized his life, his share, vitally connected with the tragic fate of his homeland, could say so. The Kulikovo field is a symbol of the Motherland, as in those distant times, again before the battle.

Task four.(Slide number 12).

Teacher: Let's read another poem by Blok. "On the railroad" 1910. This poem is also from the Motherland cycle. Why do you think A.A. Blok included this poem in the Motherland cycle? Russia is first of all people. What are they?

Students' answers: The general indifference of people gives rise to the emptiness of the soul, makes life meaningless. This is what “longing, road, iron” is. In such a deadly atmosphere, a person can only be a victim. If happiness is impossible, is it worth living? Life itself loses its value. Do not approach her with questions. The author refuses to explain the reasons for the death of a young woman. We don't know, "by love, by dirt, or by wheels it is crushed." If you were indifferent during your lifetime, why now show insincere, short-term and tactless participation. The whole tragedy is conveyed by the ring composition. (Slide 13).

Another poem “Sin shamelessly, soundly” 1914. (Slide 14).

Teacher: What class appears in the poem?

Students' answers: Priests are a nonentity. But the poet will not refuse such a Russia either, although it is a shame, it is very painful that such people exist.

Lesson results.(Slide 15).

We listened to Blok's poems about the Motherland, noted classical motifs in his poems, and found distinctive features. What epigraph would you choose for the lesson? Students' answers may be varied, but students should pay attention to the fact that the poet approaches the fate of Russia with intimate love. Motherland is his wife. Hope and consolation. With her, the impossible is possible, she leads to an eternal battle, we only dream of peace, makes a person improve himself .. She is so loved, like tears of first love.

Homework.(Slide 16).

  • Read the poem "Scythians" 1918
  • Explain the meaning of the title.
  • Based on the text of the poem and the knowledge gained in the lesson, answer in writing the question: What does the poet see as the highest purpose of Russia?


  1. Agenosov VV Textbook for educational institutions. Bustard Moscow 2006.

Moscow, Moscow! I love you like a son! Like Russian -
strong, fiery and gentle.
I.Yu. Lermontov

The theme of the Motherland is one of the leading themes in creativity. The motherland is the poet's positive ideal, which is why the poet's desire to sing it, whatever it may be, is so great. In the poems of the poet, the Motherland appears differently: on the one hand, for him Russia is his Motherland, where he was born and raised. Such Russia Lermontov loved and glorified. On the other hand, he saw Russia as a country ruled by a rude, cruel power that suppresses all human aspirations, and most importantly, the people's will. This dual understanding of Russia was reflected in Lermontov's poems.

“I love the Fatherland, but with a strange love. My mind will not defeat her, neither glory bought with blood, nor peace full of proud trust, ”Lermontov wrote in.

In the poem “When the yellowing field is agitated,” Lermontov reflects on his “strange love” for the Motherland. Lermontov subtly feels the beauty of his native nature, unity with it. In communion with the nature of his native land, the poet feels spiritual closeness to his homeland. The poet's feeling is manifested in love for unpretentious Russian landscapes, for "a couple of whitening birches." Native spaces calm the poet, connecting with nature, the poet feels happy:

Then the anxiety of my soul humbles itself,
Then the wrinkles on the forehead diverge, -
And I can comprehend happiness on earth,
And in the sky I see God...

Nature gives the poet peace of mind, warmth of the heart.

The poet continues to express his “strange love” for the Motherland in the poem “Motherland”. Slavically submissive Russia is not the Motherland yet. Homeland for Lermontov is “the cold silence of the steppe”, “its boundless forests sway”, it is the people, ordinary Russian people with their joys and sorrows.

With joy unknown to many,
I see a complete threshing floor
Thatched hut,
Window with carved shutters.

Lermontov is close and dear to such a Russia with its unsolved mystery. The love of the poet also remained unsolved. The poet calls his love strange, also because in love, he suffers, suffers and mourns along with the Motherland and the people. Therefore, Lermontov's Russia is not only landscape sketches, dear native lands. Lermontov's homeland is "... unwashed Russia, a country of slaves, a country of masters, ... blue uniforms, and ... a devoted people to them." He was always worried about the fate of Russia, so it was painful for the poet to realize that his homeland was mired in inhumanity, cruelty and misunderstanding. Russia - the country of "slaves and masters" the poet does not want to see, does not accept, and therefore says: ""

The happiness and glory of the Fatherland, faith in its liberation - that's what Mikhail Yurievich dreamed of. “Go into the fire for the honor of the Fatherland, for beliefs, for love!” the poet calls. The famous is imbued with such a patriotic mood.

The poet loved and respected the Russian people, he understood that it was ordinary Russian peasants who saved Russia during the war of 1812. They were always ready to die for their Motherland:

Guys! Isn't Moscow behind us,
Let's die near Moscow
How our brothers died!

The soldier leading the narration is not alone, he speaks on behalf of all. At the same time, he constantly emphasizes the general patriotic mood and the general attitude towards war as a serious military duty:

And we promised to die
And the oath of allegiance was kept
We are in the battle of Borodino.

The poet clearly shares the patriotic feeling of the hero of his poem. But, unfortunately, he does not see their continuation in the current generation for him. The generation of Lermontov's contemporaries does not need anything, does not strive for anything. They are concerned only with their personal benefit, and they are of little interest in improving the life of Russia. Therefore, the poem contrasts the "present time" and the past. The old soldier says: “Yes, there were people in our time, not like the current tribe ...” In these words, the poet’s reproach to his generation, which both hates and loves “accidentally, without sacrificing anything to either malice or love,” Modern Generation incapable of exploits, lost contact with the people. The simple and natural relationships between Russian soldiers in the war are opposed to the immoral laws by which the "current tribe" lives.

The fate of his generation is one of the most important issues that worries Lermontov. This generation lives in an era of "timelessness", the main feature of which was the absence of social ideals. The oppressive atmosphere prevailing in Russia in the late 20s of the 19th century is described by the poet in. In the country, a gifted person cannot develop his talents, because in an atmosphere of fear, suspicion, denunciation, only nonentities live well, while a smart, strong person feels the emptiness and aimlessness of his existence:

And it seems stuffy in the homeland,
And the heart is heavy and the soul yearns ...
Knowing neither love nor sweet friendship...

The poet's love for Russia is real, exacting, deep. He is far from affection, he does not forgive her shortcomings. The poet's ambivalence towards his homeland is evident in every line of his works. This is “poor and plentiful” Russia - his beloved homeland, but at times pain and anger erupt into human long-suffering, slavish humility, which the poet cannot and does not want to accept, understand or explain.


1. Meaning” of the theme of the Motherland in the work of A. Blok.

2. The inseparability of the fate of the poet and Russia:

"Autumn Will"; "Rus": "Poems about Russia"; "New America"; "Russia"; "Kite".

3. The cycle “On the Kulikovo field”:

Events of Russian history - the connection of the past, present and future;

Theme and idea of ​​the cycle;



4. Optimistic sounding of the theme of the Motherland in the work of A. Blok.

The theme of the Motherland, Russia occupied a special place in Blok's work and was truly all-encompassing for him.

In 1908, in a letter to K. S. Stanislavsky, he wrote: “... My topic is before me, the topic of Russia ... I consciously and irrevocably dedicate my life to this topic. I realize more and more clearly that this is the first question, the most vital, the most real.

I have been approaching him for a long time, since the beginning of my conscious life.

2. Of particular importance are the poems, where the poet develops a “wide-ranging” image of the Motherland and emphasizes his inseparable connection with it. In the poem "Autumn Will" Lermontov's traditions are clearly traced:

I go out on the road, open to the eyes,

The wind bends the elastic bushes,

Broken stone lay on the slopes.

Yellow clay meager silts ...

Here it is, my fun, dancing

And ringing, ringing, fast ice in the bushes!

And far, far away waving invitingly

Your patterned, your colored sleeve.

I will cry over the sadness of your fields,

I will love your space forever ...

The lyrical hero of Blok is not a random passer-by, but one of the sons of Russia, walking the “familiar” path and participating in the bitter fate of those who “die without loving”, but who strive to merge with their homeland:

Shelter you in the vast expanses!

As well as. live and cry without you!

The image of the motherland is revealed in a different way in the poem "Rus". Russia is a mystery. At first it seems that the secret of Russia stems from the “traditions of antiquity”: the “muddy look of the sorcerer”, sorcerers with soothsayers, witches, devils ... But gradually you begin to understand that the secret of Russia is not in this.

The solution is in the very “living soul” of the people, and in order to comprehend it, one must live one life with the people.

... where diverse peoples

From edge to edge, from valley to valley

Conduct night dances

Under the glow of burning villages.

In 1915, Blok's book entitled "Poems about Russia" was published. The lyrical three-volume book, which the author called a “novel in verse,” contains the Motherland cycle, which unites what was written from 1907 to 1916. No one before Blok said such piercingly poignant words about the motherland, which are stored in the soul of every Russian person. “Motherland is a huge, native, breathing creature, similar to a person…” Something ancient, pagan arises in the artist's memory. No wonder he says that he loves his native country “in a popular way, how can you love your mother, sister and wife in one person - Russia.”

The semantic core of the cycle is made up of poems dedicated directly to Russia. The poet speaks about his inseparable connection with the Motherland, with its largely dark and difficult fate in the poem “My Russia, my life, should we toil together? ..”

My Russia, my life, shall we toil together?

Tsar, yes Siberia, yes Yermak, yes prison!

Oh, it's not time to part, to repent ..

What is your darkness to a free heart? The symbolic image that appears in the last stanza -

Quiet, long, red glow

Every night over becoming yours ...

Why are you silent, sleepy haze?

Do you play freely with my spirit?

- a harbinger of future changes, in which the author himself does not yet see himself.

The theme of Russia is revealed in a completely different way in the poem “New America”. At first we see “wretched” Russia with its “terrible expanse” and “incomprehensible expanse”. But gradually the face of Russia becomes clearer:

No, not an old face and not lean

Under the Moscow colored scarf!

The poetic image of the future Russia appears before us, and the poet's faith in her renewed future grows stronger. The most significant poem of this cycle is “Russia”. It combines a feeling of love for the Motherland and faith in its future. The poet accepts her as a "beggar", with the "longing of the guarded" deaf song of the coachman.

The lines of this poem express a sense of the inseparability of the fate of the poet and the Motherland.

His Russia is a beautiful woman with a strong character and a difficult fate.

In the final lines, Blok refers to Gogol's theme of the path, the theme of the troika. She looks forward to the future.

And the impossible is possible

The road is long and easy

When it shines in the distance of the road

Instant glance from under the scarf,

When ringing melancholy guarded

The deaf song of the coachman! ..

The cycle "Motherland" completes the poem "Kite", where all the leading motives that sounded in the cycle are concentrated. Here are signs of discreet Russian Nature, and a reminder of the forced fate of the Russian people, and milestones in Russian history, and a generalized image of the motherland. And the kite is a symbol of those sinister forces that gravitate over Russia. At the end of the poem, the author asks questions:

Centuries go by, war rages,

There is a rebellion, villages are burning.

You are still the same, my country,

In tear-stained and ancient beauty. -

How long will mothers grieve?

How long will the kite circle?

3. The cycle “On the Kulikovo field” includes five poems. In a note to the cycle, Blok wrote: “The Battle of Kulikovo belongs ... to the symbolic events of Russian history. Such events are destined to return.

Their solution is yet to come.” Thus, the author points to the connection of the past, present and future. “The past looks passionately into the future,” Blok said in the poem “The Artist,” and these words can be put as an epigraph to the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field.” The first poem acts as a prologue and introduces the theme of Russia into the cycle:

Oh, my Russia! My wife!

We have a long way to go!

The field is a place of battle, an “eternal battle” that has been going on, is going on and will go on in the boundless expanses of Russia:

And eternal battle!

Rest only in our dreams

Through blood and dust.

Flying, flying steppe mare

And crushes the feather grass ...

And there is no end! Miles are flashing, steep ...

In the third poem, a certain symbolic image appears before the hero -

And with the fog above

Sleeping unspun,

Right on me

You got off, in clothes,

flowing light,

Don't scare the horse

Silver waves

Flashed a friend

On a steel sword

Refreshed dusty mail

On my shoulder

Who is this? Maybe Russia itself? Or the Mother of God? One thing is clear - this is the embodiment of a bright ideal that helps the hero withstand severe trials:

And when, in the morning, a black cloud

The horde moved

was in the shield

Your face is not made by hands

Shine forever.

But I recognize you, the beginning

High and rebellious days!

The heart cannot live in peace,

Suddenly the clouds have gathered.

The armor is heavy, as before the battle.

Your time has come. Now, pray.

4. Folk Russia, with its history, traditions, with the undiscovered, but huge, unpredictable potential of its people, gave the poet hope for a future transformation. It was she, with her beautiful and majestic pictures of nature, who helped him resist the “terrible world”.

Again, as in the golden years,

Three worn out harnesses fray,

And painted knitting needles

In loose ruts...

Russia, impoverished Russia,

I have your gray huts,

Your songs are windy for me -

Like the first tears of love!

I can't pity you

And I carefully carry my cross ... What kind of sorcerer do you want

Give me the rogue beauty!

Let him lure and deceive, -

You won't disappear, you won't die

And only care will cloud

Your beautiful features...

Well? one more concern -

With one tear the river is noisier,

And you are still the same - forest, yes field,

Yes, patterned to the eyebrows ...

And the impossible is possible

The road is long and easy

When a momentary glance from under a scarf flashes in the distance of the road, When the dull song of the driver rings with melancholy! ..

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  18. In my opinion, we can safely say that A. A. Blok is a poet of one theme. All the work of this artist, one way or another, is devoted to the theme of the Motherland - the theme of Russia. Block's answer to a request to read something from his writings about his native country is textbook - "It's all about Russia." That is why, in order to fully cover this topic, one should consider [...] ...
  19. I consciously and irrevocably dedicate my life to the theme of Russia. A. Blok I will sing with all my being in the poet One sixth part of the earth With a short name "Rus". S. Yesenin I sing my fatherland… V. Mayakovsky The theme of love for the motherland has always been close to the Russian people. After all, we all want the country to live well, and each of its citizens to be happy. But […]...
  20. I foresee You... A. Blok Alexander Aleksandrovich Blok is the greatest, outstanding poet of the "Silver Age". He entered literature as a singer of the Beautiful Lady, a subtle lyricist. The first collection of A. Blok, which appeared in print at the end of 1904, is “Poems about the Beautiful Lady”. I anticipate you. Years pass by - All in one guise I foresee You. The whole horizon is on fire - [...] ...
  21. The subject of poetic works of A. A. Blok is diverse. The poet writes about Russia, its fate, nature, raises social problems. But a large place in the poetry of Alexander Blok is occupied by the theme of love. An early cycle of the poet's poems on this subject is called “Poems about the Beautiful Lady”. At the heart of the poetic cycle is the real, dramatic love of Alexander Blok for Lyubov Mendeleeva. The elusive image [...]
  22. The theme of the Motherland is one of the main ones in the work of S. Yesenin. It is customary to associate this poet primarily with the village, with his native Ryazan region. But the poet left the village of Konstantinov very young, then lived in Moscow, and in St. Petersburg, and abroad. In my opinion, it was the separation from the Motherland that gave his poems that warmth of memories [...] ...
  23. Is it easy to read poetry? Is it easy to write poetry?.. The works of some poets are becoming a thing of the past, the work of others continues to live for centuries. But there are truly immortal creators, whose poems you read and reread, each time discovering something new for yourself and becoming richer in soul. One of these poets for me is Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov. Why? The poet solved the problems […]
  24. Whatever Yesenin writes about, the image of his native land, the theme of the Motherland is always invisibly present in his poems. Even in early youthful poems, in the poem “Goy you, Russia, my dear ...”, written in the style of a Russian folk dashing song, the poet shouts to the whole country: If the holy army shouts: “Throw you Russia, live in paradise!” I will say : “There is no need for paradise. Give […]...
  25. A. Blok lived and worked in an era of historical and social changes, when all of Russia was in a fever. Blok began his journey in the late 90s of the XIX century as a lyricist, detached from real life, completely immersed in his vague emotional experiences. However, all the writings, hesitations and bouts of despair characteristic of Blok receded before the saving faith in a beautiful future. Source […]...
  26. Sergei Yesenin ... In the very sound of this name one can hear the melodiousness, the music of native expanses, the noise of green oak forests. “The country of birch calico” gave rise to a bright, original poet, who in his amazing poems sang its blue lakes, crimson expanse of fields, yellow roads, gray willows. Yesenin creates visible poetic images of an overgrown pond, a field, a white garden. How much kindness, beauty, love for native places is heard [...] ...
  27. The theme of the motherland is central in the work of S. Yesenin. He directed all the strength of his poetic talent to sing the beauty of his native land, the peaceful, but proud disposition of its harsh inhabitants, the refined charm of the world of Central Russian nature. From the earliest period of creativity, the theme of the motherland took possession of Yesenin almost completely. Closest to the poet was rural, patriarchal Russia. This is evidenced by […]
  28. An important place in the work of M. Yu. Lermontov is occupied by the theme of the Motherland. It runs through all his work and is one of the central ones in the poet's lyrics. In the early period of creativity, the homeland is comprehended by Lermontov in a philosophical and romantic context, as the land that gave life and suffering. Such is the poem “I saw the shadow of bliss”: ... I love my homeland And more than many: among its fields [...] ...
  29. The leading theme of the work of S. A. Yesenin. The image of Russia in the work of many poets appeared in a complex unity of extraordinary beauty and wretchedness bordering on poverty, the strength of the spirit of the people, their inner invincible power and centuries-old slave psychology. S. A. Yesenin did not ignore the “mystery of the Russian soul”, who carried his devoted love for the Motherland through his whole life, creating it [...] ...
  30. The theme of the motherland is one of the main themes in the work of S. Yesenin. It is customary to associate this poet primarily with the village, with his native Ryazan region. But the poet left the Ryazan village of Konstantinov very young, then lived in Moscow, and in St. Petersburg, and abroad, came to his native village from time to time as a guest. It is separation [...]
  31. In the era of the Nikolaev reaction, an important question that agitated the minds of the Russian intelligentsia was the question of the fate of Russia, of the Russian national character. The same problem turns out to be the main one in Russian literature at the beginning of the 20th century, in the era of revolutions and upheavals, so the theme of Russia becomes predominant in the works of leading artists of both eras, such as, for example, M. Lermontov and A. Blok. Both […]...
  32. Blok, Yesenin and Mayakovsky are the largest Russian poets of the early 20th century. By the will of fate, they witnessed the largest historical events that fell to the lot of Russia: the revolution of 1905, the period of cruel reaction, the imperialist war, the February and, finally, the October revolution of 1917. Being great patriots, sincerely worrying about their homeland, these poets could not but reflect in their work [...] ...
  33. The theme of the motherland in the lyrics of Marina Tsvetaeva. O unyielding tongue! Why would it be simple - a man, Understand, he sang before me: -Russia, my homeland! M. Tsvetaeva. Marina Tsvetaeva is a poet whose poems are unusual and filled with great power of experience. As an artist mixes several colors on a palette, forming a unique shade, so in the work of Tsvetaeva the main themes are: love, a poet [...] ...
  34. The theme of Russia in the work of A. A. Blok According to Blok himself, the theme of Russia is the main one in his poetry. Blok turned to this topic at the very beginning of his career and remained faithful to it until the end of his life. The poem "Gamayun, the prophetic bird" was the first work of the young Blok dedicated to the fate of Russia. The theme of historical […]
  35. Yesenin's life path originates in the rays and woodlands of the Ryazan region. His talent was born from the feeling of the transparent blue of the evening sky, the yellowness of the fields, the coniferous gilding of the forest, the sad village song. But the main thing - an unusually sharp love for Russia, for Russia - rural, rural: A peasant's hut, A choked smell of tar, An old Goddess, Lamps a short light, It's good that I saved those […]...
  36. A. Tvardovsky had a hard time - the Great Patriotic War, post-war devastation, years of great upheavals, the construction of a new world. But no matter how severe the trials were, he always remained true to the ideals of serving the Motherland. That is why he volunteered for the war, was together with his country in sorrow and joy. The very word “motherland” contains a great [...] ...
  37. Moscow, Moscow / I love you like a son! Like a Russian, strong, fiery and tender. M. Yu. Lermontov With the name of Lermontov, a new page of Russian literature opens. The life and work of this remarkable poet took place in the most difficult and gloomy time for Russia, the time of the dominance of “blue uniforms” and the most severe reaction. Therefore, his desire for beauty is associated with [...] ...
  38. In 1837, M. Yu. Lermontov created his poem “When the yellowing field is agitated ...”, in which he displayed a harmonious and holistic image of man and nature. Here we see that this image of nature in the poet is very rare. More often, she was depicted as a certain background and reflected the state of mind of the hero, his impulse and confusion, dissatisfaction. Here is an ex-lyrical […]...

In the work of Alexander Blok, the theme of the Motherland acquires a special sound. This is largely due to the time in which the poet happened to live. The beginning of the century, the First World War, the revolution - all this became a real test for Russia and the people who lived in those years. Blok understood that these years were one of the most terrible in Russian history, and this understanding was reflected in his poetry.

In Blok's early poetry, the theme of the Motherland does not sound like an independent one, but practically everything that the poet writes about is connected in one way or another with Russia. In the cycle “Poems about the Beautiful Lady”, the world that appears before the poet is the world of a beautiful dream. And the image of the Motherland, also shrouded in this dream, seems to Blok as beautiful as love.

Gradually, Blok’s idealized perception of life disappears, and in the Scary World cycle we already see a different reality, more real than the one shown in Poems about the Beautiful Lady. “Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy ...” - this poem emphasizes the complete hopelessness, the isolation of life in a terrible circle. The terrible world shown in this cycle is also Russia. And the highest courage of the poet is not not to see this, but to see and accept his country even in such an unattractive light.

One of the first references to the theme of Russia as an independent one was the poem "Rus" of 1906. The country appears in this poem as a reserved, fabulous:

Russia is surrounded by rivers

And surrounded by wilds,

With swamps and cranes,

And with the cloudy eyes of a sorcerer...

Russia here is a sleeping enchanted kingdom, and the lyrical hero is imbued with the secret of this kingdom.

The result of Blok's reflections on the fate of the country was the cycle of poems "Motherland" (1907-1916). Here Russia is a reserved kingdom, the mistress of which is a fabulous princess. But the lyrical hero left this kingdom for the sake of worries and battles of the big world. In this cycle, for the first time, the Blok's understanding of Russia appears not as a mother, which was inherent in other poets who wrote about the Motherland, but as a wife or lover. Russia in Blok's view is a young girl with golden braids, who, despite her fragility and youth, stands so strong that no enemy is able to crush her.

Let him lure and deceive

You won't disappear, you won't die

And only worries will cloud

Your beautiful features...

But it seems to me that Blok foresees the tragic future of Russia, and this tragic foresight first appears in the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field”. The poem of the same name is dedicated to understanding the historical fate of Russia, and this fate is shown by the author as tragic. Its symbol is a rapidly rushing steppe mare, whose run personifies the movement towards the death of the country, which is so dear to the poet.

Blok's poems about Russia sounded in those years when the country was steadily approaching disaster. At this time, even the very love for the Motherland acquired an internal drama. Many years have passed, but even now these poems sound surprisingly modern.

The theme of the motherland in literature is revealed by many poets, including:

  1. In the lyrics of M. Lermontov. The poet confesses his love for the places where he was born (“I saw the shadow of bliss; but completely.” 1831), glorifies the exploits of the fathers (“Borodino”, 1837) and condemns his contemporaries for the ingloriously lived life (“Duma”, 1838). He writes about his country, where people groan from slavery and chains ("Complaints of a Turk", 1829). His grief is replaced by hatred for the country of slaves, the country of masters (“Farewell, unwashed Russia”, 1841). I love my homeland, but with a strange love, the poet admits (“Rodina”, 1841).
  2. In the lyrics of S. Yesenin. His poetry primarily expresses love for his native nature, the country of birch chintz. "The feeling of the Motherland is the main thing in my work." He represented Russia as blue and associated this image with the skies and the water surface: No end in sight / Only blue sucks eyes. The poet feels himself a part of nature and is ready to give up the biblical paradise in the name of the Motherland (“Goy you, Russia, my dear”, 1914). Yesenin sang of the Russian village (“In the hut”, 1914), did not like urban civilization (“I am the last poet of the village”, 1920) and sought to accept revolutionary changes (“Soviet Russia”, 1924).
  3. In the lyrics of N. Nekrasov. The people and native land are the main source of inspiration for the poet: only returning home, he experienced a creative upsurge (“Home is better!”, 1868). The poverty of the peasants, the hard lot of the Russian woman, the arbitrariness of the authorities - all this worried the poet. Nekrasov wrote about his homeland: You are wretched, You are plentiful, You are powerful, You are powerless, Mother Russia (“Who should live well in Russia”, 1877), but passionately believed in her happy future (“Whatever the year, the strength", 1861).
  4. In the lyrics of A. Blok. The patriotic theme intersects with love lyrics, and the image of the motherland often appears as the image of a beautiful beloved - this is the image of a bright wife in the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field”. This image, instead of the Savior Not Made by Hands, appears on the shield of a Russian warrior, he also guards the sleeping soldiers. Sometimes Blok's homeland is a woman with robber beauty (New America, 1913). Sometimes he sees Russia as impoverished, miserable, with a cautious longing, but he believes in her bright future. Russia is the image of a beautiful woman with a strong character and a difficult fate (“Russia”, 1908). Blok speaks of his inseparable connection with his homeland (“My Russia, my life, can we toil together?”, 1910).

A striking example of the theme of the motherland in poetry is M. Lermontov's poem "Motherland".

General information. One of the last works of Lermontov.

Topic. The poet talks about his attitude to the motherland and love for it.

Composition. Consists of two parts. In the 1st part, the poet rejects official patriotism, and in the 2nd part, he confesses his love for Russia, for its nature and for the Russian people. The basis of the poem is the principle of antithesis. Isn't it strange to love the motherland, in which there are so many contradictions? The theme of the motherland develops from a broad plan to a narrower one. First, the perception of the homeland is described (glory bought with blood; old cherished legends), then - a general image of native nature (cold silence of the steppes, boundless swaying forests, river floods), then - details of folk life (hut covered with straw, with carved window shutters) .

Means of artistic expression. Epithets (sad villages, boundless forests), metaphors (glory bought with blood; peace full of proud trust), personification (cold silence of the steppes), anaphora (Her steppes ... Her forests), alliteration (River floods like seas), assonance ( peace full of proud trust).

Poetic meter and rhyme. Multi-foot iambic; cross, pair and ring rhyme.

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