Carrot cake from Alla Kovalchuk. Carrot cake from Yulia Vysotskaya, Liza Glinskaya, Alexander Seleznev, Elena Chekalova, Tatyana Litvinova and Alla Kovalchuk Carrot cake recipe everything will be delicious

Everything will be delicious. Broadcast from 09/06/15 Carrot cake and carrot muffins. Watch online

carrot cake

Ingredients (24 cm):
flour (wheat, premium) - 320 g
sugar - 200 g
carrots - 160 g
eggs - 4 pcs.
raisins - 80 g
walnuts - 80 g
ground cinnamon - 4 g
baking powder - 5 g
salt - 2 g
refined sunflower oil - 250 ml

For cream:
sour cream (25%) - 300 ml
cottage cheese (9%) - 300 g
powdered sugar - 100 g
zest of ½ lemon


Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a fine grater.

Beat eggs with sugar and add butter. Pour the sifted flour mixed with baking powder and cinnamon into the resulting mixture in a thin stream. Knead the dough.

Add squeezed carrots, raisins and roasted nuts to the dough. Line the mold with parchment paper and pour the batter into it.

Bake for 45-50 minutes at 180°C. 10-15 minutes after the end of baking, remove the finished warm cake from the mold and leave to cool.

With a knife, cut off the top of the cake that has risen. Cut the crust in half.

To prepare the cream, grind the cottage cheese through a fine sieve and mix with powdered sugar until smooth. Add sour cream and lemon zest. Cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Form a cake using cream. Grease the top and sides of the cake with cream. Grind the cake scraps in a blender into small crumbs and decorate the sides of the cake with them.

Carrot cupcakes

Ingredients (9 pcs):
carrots - 160 g
butter (82.5%) - 150 g
powdered sugar - 250 g
eggs - 3 pcs.
premium wheat flour - 200 g
baking powder - 7 g
ground cinnamon - 1/3 tsp
nutmeg (ground) - 1/3 tsp
oranges - 1 pc.
coconut flakes - 40 g
salt - 2 g
lemons - 1 pc.


Poke a few holes in a small orange with a fork or knife, then boil it in salted water. Cut the orange in half and remove the pits. When it cools down, grind it in a blender into small pieces.

Grate the washed, peeled carrots on a fine grater.

Mash the butter with 150 g of powdered sugar with a spoon, beat with a mixer, add the eggs and beat again. Add flour mixed with baking powder, cinnamon, salt and nutmeg. Add carrots, orange and coconut flakes and mix until smooth.

Grease baking molds with butter and fill them with dough. Bake for 35 minutes at 180°C.

To prepare the glaze, add 2 tbsp to 100 g of sifted powdered sugar. lemon juice and mix thoroughly until smooth. Spread frosting over cooled cupcakes. Decorate with small mastic carrots.

The new season of the culinary program “Everything will be delicious” will teach us how to quickly and easily prepare restaurant dishes in our usual kitchen ... The STB channel TV project will prove that it is very simple - to cook like a chef!

In order for all the dishes to be truly delicious, invited chefs from Ukraine and all over the world will drop by to visit. Master Chefs will tell their secret recipes and various kitchen “life hacks” to make it “like in a restaurant”.

The host of the project, Nadezhda Matveeva, with a smile on her face, is waiting for lovers of delicious cooking. Everything will be delicious at STB in 2016, we are always ready to throw in a great idea for a delicious family dinner.

This Sunday, an ordinary carrot will turn into two delicious desserts in your hands at once. This is bright and healthy, soaked in thick sour cream, familiar to everyone since childhood - carrot cake. And also tender, small suns under a sweet layer of snow-white icing - carrot muffins.

Together with psychologist Anna Kushneruk, you will learn how to choose the most delicious carrot for any dish according to the size of its core, and also how to peel carrots in just 10 seconds. Moreover, from now on in your life there will not be a single carrot cake with an unpleasant vegetable flavor, because the recognized queen of sweets, Liza Glinskaya, will share her confectionery secrets. Our expert will teach you how to cook not only a cake and a cupcake, but also carrots for decoration from powdered sugar, lemon and gelatin.

Do not miss the new episode of the show "Everything will be delicious!" this Sunday (January 31) at 9 am on STB!

On this page you can watch online and in good quality all episodes of the cooking show Everything will be Tasty 2016.

To do this, follow this link and choose the desired series, everything will be delicious from STB.

January 31, 2016 we will cook: Carrot cake.

At home, you can cook a variety of dishes, including very complex ones. And following the recipes and recommendations of famous chefs, this is not so difficult to do. A great option for culinary experiments will be different cakes. Let's talk about how to cook delicious from Vysotskaya Julia, Glinskaya Lisa, Alexander Seleznev, Elena Chekalova, Tatyana Litvinova and Alla Kovalchuk.

Carrot cake from Yulia Vysotskaya

To prepare such a delicious dessert, you need to prepare two hundred grams of carrots, two hundred grams of sour cream, one hundred grams of hazelnuts, one and a half glasses of sugar, a glass of flour, three eggs and a rug of white chocolate. In addition, use a teaspoon of vanilla extract and half a teaspoon of baking soda slaked with lemon (or baking powder).

Grate the carrot on a small grater. Crush hazelnuts in a smaller mortar.
Beat the eggs with a glass of sugar, add soda (or baking powder), flour and crushed hazelnuts to them. Knead the dough, then combine it with grated carrots.

Put the dough into a baking dish greased with butter. Send it to the oven, preheated to two hundred degrees, for twenty minutes. Then reduce the heat to one hundred and fifty degrees and bake for another quarter of an hour.

Cool the resulting cake and cut in half to get two cakes.
Separately, beat the sour cream with vanilla and coat the cakes with this cream in the middle, on top and on the sides. Sprinkle grated chocolate on top. Send the finished cake to the refrigerator so that it is soaked with cream.

Carrot cake from Lisa Glinskaya

This amazingly healthy cake is prepared completely without sugar and will be a great dish for both children and their parents. To prepare it, you need to prepare four medium carrots, half a glass of coconut, half a glass of chopped and half a glass of white raisins. You will also need three tablespoons of honey, two hundred grams of sour-milk cottage cheese, a teaspoon, three large ones, a couple of bananas and fifteen dates. Also use six tablespoons of sunflower oil, a tablespoon, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, half a teaspoon of nutmeg and the same amount of ground cardamom.

First of all, beat the eggs with a blender, adding chopped bananas and dates to them. Process the mixture so that it turns into a homogeneous mass. Add to it cereal with cardamom, cinnamon and nutmeg. Salt a little and stir.
Then add shredded carrots, shredded coconut, chopped nuts and raisins to the bowl. Knead the dough.
Put it in a mold and send it to the oven, preheated to one hundred and sixty degrees. Bake for forty minutes.

To prepare curd glaze, mix cottage cheese with lemon juice and honey. Lubricate the cake with the resulting mixture and sprinkle with walnuts. Garnish with a carrot.

Carrot cake from Alexander Seleznev

To prepare such a delicious carrot cake, you need to prepare half a kilogram of carrots, four large eggs, two hundred grams of sugar, two hundred and fifty grams of hazelnuts and two hundred and fifty grams of Pyshka margarine or butter. In addition, use one hundred grams of flour, a couple of teaspoons of baking powder, a teaspoon of cinnamon and a pinch of salt.

For the filling, you need to prepare half a kilogram of cream cheese (Mascarpone or Philadelphia). To make carrot jam, use two hundred and fifty grams of carrots, one hundred and fifty grams of sugar, zest and juice from one lemon.

Fry hazelnuts until golden brown in the oven, then remove the husk from it. Next, grind the nuts into powder using a blender or turbo grinder. Add flour, cinnamon, salt and baking powder to them. Then pour the prepared carrots into the container and mix.

Beat the eggs with sugar until white and mix with the rest of the ingredients, then pour the melted margarine into the container and mix again.

Spread the dough into silicone molds and bake in the oven at one hundred and eighty degrees until cooked. Cool down.
Transfer the cream cheese to a pastry bag and pipe on top of the cake.

To make jam, grate a smaller carrot, combine it with sugar, lemon juice and zest. Boil for twenty minutes and cool. Put the prepared jam on the cheese. Decorate the finished cake with a carrot bow.

Carrot cake from Elena Chekalova

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare three hundred and seventy grams of flour, a glass of sugar and two glasses of finely grated carrots. Also use half a teaspoon of salt, two and a half teaspoons of baking powder, and a teaspoon of baking soda. You will also need a tablespoon, a third of a glass of vegetable oil, half a glass of warm water, zest from two medium oranges, a teaspoon of ginger, two and a half glasses, two tablespoons of almond flour, some semolina and sugar.

Mix flour with salt, baking powder, baking soda, ginger and zest. In another container, dissolve sugar in warm water, add oil. Pour the resulting mixture into the dry ingredients. Pour the carrots there and pour in the vinegar. Mix with a mixer. You should have a fairly liquid dough.

Pour it into a springform pan and cover with foil. Send the future cake to the oven, preheated to one hundred and seventy-five degrees, and bake for half an hour. Then remove the foil from the mold and continue baking for another fifteen to twenty minutes.

To prepare the cream, you need to pour orange juice into a saucepan, add sugar and almond flour with semolina to it. Stir and cook until thickened for fifteen to twenty minutes. Beat the resulting cream well.

Cool the cooked cake, cut it into two layers and coat with cream both inside and out.

Carrot cake from Tatyana Litvinova

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare one hundred grams of hercules - grind it to a state of flour, two hundred and thirty grams of sunflower oil and four eggs. In addition, use a couple of teaspoons of vanilla sugar, one hundred and fifty grams of sugar (two-thirds of a glass), and one hundred and sixty grams of flour. You will also need one and a half teaspoons of baking powder, a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of nutmeg, one and a half teaspoons of cinnamon, a couple of large apples and four medium carrots.

Peel and cut apples into cubes, and peel and grate carrots on the smallest grater. Beat the eggs with sugar, pour in the oil in a thin stream. Combine all dry ingredients, pour them gradually into the main mass. Next, add apples, carrots and nuts to the future dough. Mix well. Pour the resulting dough into two molds and bake in an oven preheated to one hundred and seventy-five degrees for twenty minutes.

Such a cake can be smeared with different creams, to taste.

Carrot cake from Alla Kovalchuk

To prepare such a delicious dish, you need to prepare a couple of glasses of flour, two medium carrots, a teaspoon of soda and a teaspoon of baking powder. You also need to use a teaspoon of cinnamon, a quarter of a teaspoon, a glass and a half of sugar, a teaspoon of vanilla sugar and four eggs. In addition, you will need one hundred and seventy-five grams of butter and three-quarters of a glass of nuts.

Combine flour with soda, nutmeg, baking powder and cinnamon. Sift the resulting mixture through a sieve. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with butter, sugar and vanilla sugar. Pour the grated carrot into the egg mixture. Next, add the nuts to the resulting mass and gradually add the dry ingredients, kneading the dough. Put it in a form covered with parchment and oiled. Send the future cake to the oven, heated to one hundred and eighty degrees, and bake for half an hour.

To decorate the cake, prepare one carrot, half a glass of sugar and half a glass of water. Grind the carrot into thin slices, mix sugar with water. Bring this syrup to a boil, add carrots to it and caramelize for a quarter of an hour. Remove the caramelized slices to a separate plate.

For the cream, prepare juice and one hundred milliliters of cream, one hundred grams of curd mass, a teaspoon of vanilla sugar, a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon and half a glass of sugar. Mix all the ingredients together and use the resulting mass to impregnate the cake. Top the cake with caramelized carrots.

Folk treatments with carrots

Carrots are not only a healthy food product, but also a good remedy. It is widely used by healers in their recipes.

Carrot juice for constipation. So, to prevent and eliminate constipation, it is worth taking on an empty stomach in the morning freshly squeezed carrot juice - fifty to one hundred and fifty milliliters.

Loss of strength, anemia, beriberi - treatment with folk remedies. Patients with a breakdown, anemia and beriberi should grate the carrot and fill one hundred grams of such a vegetable with vegetable oil or sour cream. Take this medicine on an empty stomach in the morning.

Carrots for burns, for the treatment of purulent wounds. Traditional medicine experts advise using gruel obtained from fresh carrots. It just needs to be applied to the affected areas several times a day, preferably on gauze.

Alternative treatment of angina at home. Freshly squeezed carrot juice will help to cope with a sore throat. To prepare the drug, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of honey in one hundred milliliters of carrot juice. Next, dilute this volume of medicine in half with ordinary boiled water. Use rinse solution. With laryngitis, such a mixture can be taken internally.

Carrot juice for colds. Traditional medicine experts say that carrots can help in. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to combine three parts of freshly squeezed carrot juice with the same amount of vegetable oil and one part of garlic juice. Use the resulting mixture for instillation into the nose, three to five drops in each nostril. Repeat this procedure three to four times a day.

Carrots, milk and honey for bronchitis. You can cope with bronchitis with a mixture of five parts of carrot juice, the same amount of hot milk and one part of quality honey. Infuse the finished mixture for four to five hours, then take half a glass four to six times a day.

with gastritis with high acidity. Carrots, or rather carrot juice, are great for treating gastritis with excessive acidity. To reduce the acidity of the digestive juice, you need to take half a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice once a day on an empty stomach, preferably from the Carotel variety, with a half glass of beet juice.

Gastritis with low acidity - treatment with folk remedies. If you suffer from gastritis with reduced acidity, dilute carrot juice with water, adhering to a ratio of 1:10. Take this mixture one glass on an empty stomach.

Cholelithiasis - treatment without surgery with carrot seeds. It is worth preparing three tablespoons of such raw materials, brew them with three glasses of boiling water. Soak this remedy in the oven for six hours. Ready broth take a glass three times a day.

Treatment of intestinal flatulence with folk remedies. And to eliminate flatulence, it is worth brewing a tablespoon of carrot seeds with one glass of boiling water. Insist this medicine in a thermos overnight, then strain. Take the finished infusion one glass three times a day.

Carrot seeds for constipation. If you suffer from constipation, simply take carrot seed powder - one gram three times a day about an hour before meals.

Home treatment of urolithiasis. With urolithiasis, traditional medicine experts advise cleaning and washing one root crop. Brew three tablespoons of the resulting slurry with three glasses of only boiled water and leave overnight to infuse. In the morning, warm up a little medicine and drink it during the day in several doses.

Carrots are an amazingly healthy food product that can be used to make a variety of dishes, including delicious cakes. In addition, this root crop also has many medicinal qualities.


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Combine the sifted flour with brown and white sugar. Add cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, salt, soda and baking powder. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with vegetable oil. After mixing the dry and wet mixtures. Add carrots, pre-roasted, chopped nuts and pineapple puree. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, sprinkle with flour and put the dough into the form.

Preparing the icing for the cake

Mix cheese with powdered sugar and vanilla. Put in the refrigerator and chill for an hour.

making a pie

Preheat the oven to 180 C. Put the mold in the oven and bake the cake for 40 minutes.
When the cake has cooled, cut it into two parts and grease the inner cake with cheese icing. We collect two cakes together. Brush the outside of the cake with frosting. We put the cake in the refrigerator and let it soak for a day.

The subtleties of making a pie from Hector Jimenez-Bravo

  1. You can put raisins and any fruit-berries to taste in the pie.
  2. We check the readiness of the cake with a wooden stick.
  3. The cake is especially tasty on the second day, when the cakes are completely saturated with cream.
  4. The cake must be stored in the refrigerator.
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