14 week fetus. Fourteenth week of pregnancy, determining the sex of the child

This period of pregnancy is often called "golden", because during it nausea and other symptoms disappear, the expectant mother feels energetic, full of strength. Sometimes the second trimester is also called the "honeymoon of pregnancy." This is the best time for shopping trips, arranging a future children's room, for small trips.

Signs and symptoms at 14 weeks pregnant

Many of the symptoms that bothered you in the early weeks of pregnancy should go away during the second trimester. Don't worry if this hasn't happened yet. Perhaps at 14 weeks pregnant you still do not feel very well, but very soon your condition will change.

So, at the fourteenth week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience the following symptoms:
· Round ligament pain. It manifests itself in the form of soreness and spasms in the lower abdomen. It occurs due to the fact that the growth of the uterus leads to stretching of the muscles and ligaments. There is nothing wrong with these sensations, but if the pain is very strong, you need to visit a doctor.

Image caption: Ligaments of the uterus. letterR stands for round ligament.
· Energy boost. Gradually, you will begin to notice that you feel better and more cheerful, every day you have time to redo more and more things.

· increased appetite. It usually increases as soon as nausea ceases to disturb in the morning.

· Improving the appearance of hair. They seem more lush, shiny, beautiful.

· Some expectant mothers experience symptoms such as nasal congestion, nosebleeds and snoring at night. This is due to increased blood flow to the nasal mucosa.

· The disappearance of nausea. This annoying symptom will stop tormenting most women in the second trimester, but not everyone will be lucky. Some will be sick for a long time. Sometimes the symptom persists until the very end of pregnancy. In order to cope with it, try not to eat large portions, drink more fluids, avoid unpleasant odors. Ginger helps some women by adding it to drinks.

· "Fog" in the head. Do you notice that you often forget everything? This is normal, because your body has to spend a lot of resources on the growth and development of the child.

· Unusual eating habits. Some expectant mothers begin to develop an appetite for inedible objects, such as a piece of coal, chalk, red brick.

· mood swings. This symptom will accompany you throughout the pregnancy, but with the beginning of the second trimester, the emotional state somewhat stabilizes. Can bring you out of balance: hormonal changes, fatigue, stress, conflicts.

What happens to the fetus at 14 weeks pregnant?

At 14 weeks, the fetus is about the size of a peach. Its body length is 8-9 cm, weight - 42-43 grams. The baby has many new skills: now he can reduce his eyes to his nose, make different faces, urinate and even suck his thumb. The brain often begins to send impulses to the facial muscles of the face, so that they constantly train and develop. This contributes to the formation of facial features. The movements of the arms and legs (now about 1–1.5 cm long) become smoother and more active. But many mothers still do not feel how the fetus is “pushing” in the uterus. Unique appears on the fingers papillary drawing- now the unborn child has his own unique fingerprints.

The baby's body grows faster than the head, its proportions gradually level off and approach those of a newborn child. The growth of arms relative to the body practically stops, the legs continue to “stretch”. The skin of the fetus at 14 weeks of gestation is still almost transparent, thin delicate hairs begin to grow on it - lanugo. While there is no subcutaneous fat layer, they help regulate body temperature and avoid hypothermia. By childbirth, lanugo most often completely falls out. The first hairs on the head appear, eyelashes and eyebrows are indicated. The eyes are still closed and will not open soon - at about 23 weeks.
The head continues to grow, and the eyes move even closer to the nose. The neck becomes more and more clearly visible, the head rises more strongly above the body.

The baby's kidneys actively produce urine, which he then releases into the amniotic fluid. The liver is actively working (now it can synthesize bile), the spleen produces red blood cells - erythrocytes. In the red bone marrow, blood cells are formed at an accelerated pace. The body of the fetus begins to independently produce hormones, his thyroid gland has matured. The development of the reproductive system is accelerated. Boys have a "second heart of a man" - prostate. After a couple of weeks, they will be able to experience a full erection.

The child makes respiratory movements - he is already preparing for life outside the mother's tummy. His intestines begin to produce primary stools - meconium, which will depart shortly after birth.

Ultrasound at 14 weeks pregnant

If you are 14 weeks pregnant and you still haven't had your first scheduled ultrasound, you should hurry. Firstly, the terms of the first screening are coming to an end. Secondly, you deprive yourself of a lot of interesting and touching moments. During the ultrasound, you will hear your baby's heart beating. Maybe he will even show how he sucks his thumb.

Ultrasounds at 14 weeks look something like this:

What happens to the uterus and abdomen at 14 weeks pregnant?

At the fourteenth week of pregnancy, the uterus enlarges so much that the stomach becomes already clearly visible.
At 14 weeks pregnant, the doctor may measure fundal height- the distance between its uppermost part and the pubic bones.

This indicator helps to assess the development of the fetus and the amount of amniotic fluid, indirectly judge the weight of the baby, the gestational age. At the fourteenth week, the standing height of the fundus of the uterus is normally 12–18 cm. Deviations from these indicators may indicate some conditions:

· Reducing the height of the fundus of the uterus less than 12 cm: oligohydramnios(reduction in the amount of amniotic fluid, in the professional language of doctors is called oligohydramnios), growth retardation and fetal development.

· Increasing the height of the fundus of the uterus more than 18 cm: polyhydramnios (hydramnios- an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid), placenta previa, macrosomia(large fetus).

During visits to the antenatal clinic, the doctor measures the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus using a flexible measuring tape. The procedure can be carried out independently:
1. First, empty your bladder.

2. The measurement should be taken while lying on your back.

3. Feel for the top edge of your pubic joint. This is not always easy, as the bones in this place are hidden under a layer of fat. You can focus on the upper limit of pubic hair growth.

4. Then feel for the bottom of the uterus. You need to act carefully, remembering that there is a baby in your tummy.

5. Take a flexible measuring tape. Mark "0" to attach to the upper edge of the pubic joint. Measure the distance to the fundus of the uterus.

Remember that you cannot draw any conclusions based on independent measurements. If you find abnormalities, consult your doctor.

How much weight should the expectant mother gain?

Perhaps at 14 weeks pregnant you will notice that your weight has started to increase much faster. This is normal, because the symptoms of the first trimester have probably already passed, nausea has ceased to bother, appetite has returned to normal. In addition, your baby is growing rapidly, and the uterus is growing along with him.
Calculate weight gain in mom during pregnancy by week

If before pregnancy your weight was average, starting from the fourteenth week you need to add 450 grams. If you are pregnant with twins, then until about 20 weeks you will add weight at about the same pace.
If you think you are gaining weight too quickly, check with your doctor. Perhaps he will give recommendations about nutrition or advise you to spend more time in physical exercises.

How to eat right?

The fetus cannot feed on its own, it has to rely entirely on its mother. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and calories - the supply of all this in a small developing organism depends on your diet.

Calm down: no need to buy some exotic products, take expensive dietary supplements and “eat for two”. All that is required of you: your diet should be complete and varied. Almost everything you need is already in your refrigerator. Now, at week 14, when you have probably already stopped bothering with nausea, it's time to put your diet in order.

On some substances necessary for the fetus, it is worth dwelling in more detail.

Folic acid

Your doctor probably prescribed you folic acid supplements during your first visit to the antenatal clinic. This substance is extremely important for the proper development of the baby's brain and spinal cord, and your body can get it not only from prenatal vitamins.
Folic acid is rich in foods such as:
· Whole grains.
Green leafy vegetables.
· Beans.
· Milk.
· Broccoli.

As for folic acid supplements, they should be taken before you become pregnant. The recommended daily dose before pregnancy is 400 mcg, during pregnancy - 600 mcg.


It is part of hemoglobin and is involved in the transport of oxygen by red blood cells. For the expectant mother, this is especially true, since during pregnancy the hormone progesterone expands the lumen of blood vessels, and blood volume increases. Accordingly, the number of red blood cells should also increase. If there are too few of them, anemia develops.
Foods rich in iron:
· Beef.
Duck meat.
Soy products.
· Jacket potatoes.
· Spinach.
· Dried fruits.


This mineral is necessary for the formation of strong teeth and bones in a child. In the expectant mother, it reduces the risk preeclampsia and helps prevent osteoporosis later in life. You can provide your body with a daily intake of calcium if you eat foods such as:
· Milk.
Juices enriched with calcium.
· Sesame seeds.
· Almonds.
Green leafy vegetables.
Soy products.
· Canned salmon.
· Sardines.
· Broccoli.

Vitamin C

Among other beneficial effects, ascorbic acid is needed for the synthesis collagen- the main protein of connective tissue. It is necessary for the normal development of cartilage, ligaments, muscles, blood vessels, bones. If enough vitamin C enters the body of the expectant mother, she is protected from premature rupture of the membranes, her baby will be born with a good weight.
Sources of ascorbic acid during pregnancy:
· Orange juice.
· Fruits: mango, papaya, melon, strawberry.
· Vegetables: red bell pepper, broccoli.
· Carrot, tomato juice.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is needed by the growing fetus for the normal formation of teeth and bones, as it is involved in calcium metabolism. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that the lack of this substance in the body of a pregnant woman increases the risk of autism in a child by 2 times. The main sources of vitamin D are milk and sunlight. If you can't consume dairy products and don't have much outdoor time, consider additional sources of the vitamin. Pay attention to the following products:
Canned sardines.
· Orange juice.
· Egg yolk.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Necessary for the development of the brain and retina of the eye, must be ingested by the expectant mother daily. You can get omega-3 fatty acids from the following foods:
· Trout.
· Anchovy.
· Sardines.
· Salmon.
· Eggs.

Physical activity

Many expectant mothers at 14 weeks of pregnancy feel a surge of energy and become more energetic, but some still experience increased fatigue. Is this a reason to constantly relax and lie on the couch? No. Of course, a good rest for a pregnant woman is necessary, but if it becomes almost constant, it makes the woman even more lethargic, lethargic, discourages the remnants of the desire to do something.
You need exercise. They may be reluctant to do at first, but over time they will make you more energetic, help you feel better, and get you back in good shape. In addition, in order to remain physically active, it is not at all necessary to specially go to the gym and load your body with some super complex exercises.

It is quite enough, for example, walking for 30 minutes a day. Preferably outdoors. Some types of exercises, such as yoga, require little or no effort at all. On the contrary, they help to relax, and it feels even more pleasant than spending time on the couch under a warm blanket. Swimming in the pool perfectly provides relaxation, because in the water the body weight decreases, tense muscles and ligaments relax.
Perhaps you will notice very soon that after exercise you get a charge of vivacity and good mood. The half-asleep state evaporates!

In general, outdoor activities are better than indoors. Therefore, a park is better than an apartment, and a stadium is better than an indoor gym. But some exercises are best done indoors. For example, if you like cycling, then you should put an exercise bike in your apartment. On a bicycle, you can lose your balance and fall.
Often after exercise, the appetite wakes up, so when you go to class, do not forget to take light snacks. Be sure to bring a bottle of water or your favorite beverage. Dehydration should not be allowed, now it is dangerous for you and for the unborn child.

Many pregnant women, especially those who work, complain about the lack of time. There is so little of it left that there is no time to do even morning exercises. In fact, you can always find time. Going to work, walk one stop. Park your car away from your work area so you can walk. Opportunity can always be found.

And the most important rule during pregnancy: physical activity should be in moderation, fanaticism is inappropriate. If you have health problems, or pregnancy is complicated, you should consult with your doctor before starting classes.

Is it possible to have sex?

You can have sex at almost any stage of pregnancy. It won't harm the baby in any way. However, it is worth remembering some contraindications:
· Bleeding.
· The waters have broken.
The doctor has discovered other conditions in which sex is contraindicated.

If during intimacy there is pain, you need to stop. If pain or severe spasms bother you for more than two hours after sexual intercourse, you should immediately call a doctor.

· If you often have stress, try to relax more and talk with people who support you.

· If you still haven't bought a bra for pregnant and nursing mothers, your breasts are already "screaming" to you that it's time to do so. It increases, and it becomes more and more uncomfortable to wear a regular bra.

If you are still worried about severe nausea, you should consult a doctor. You need to make sure that your unborn child receives the necessary substances.

Toxins - Video Guide Week 14

For many women during pregnancy, the issue of internal growth and development of the child is very important. Such data can only be given by ultrasound in the early stages. The size of the fetus is calculated in conjunction with other measurements, as the fetus is in a comfortable position for him with his legs tucked in.

There are average norms for the size of a child on ultrasound, but it is worth knowing that this is individual and depends on many factors, including the genetics of the parents.

Fetal size by week of pregnancy

3 weeks.

At the initial stage of pregnancy, the embryo is a small embryonic vesicle. On ultrasound, its size in diameter is about 0.2 mm.

4 weeks.

The size of the embryo reaches 0.5 mm in diameter.

5 weeks.

The length of the embryo is from 1 to 1.5 mm. The fertilized egg has an internal diameter of 18 mm.
The coccyx-parietal size (KTP) is 3 mm.

6 weeks.

The length of the embryo is about 4 mm. The inner diameter of the fetal egg is 22 mm.
KTR reaches 6 mm.
PHOTO: 6 weeks pregnant: fetal size by ultrasound

7 weeks.

The length increases to 1.5 cm. The embryo has a disproportionately large head. The inner diameter of the fetal egg is 24 mm.
KTR is 10 mm.
PHOTO: 7th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

8 weeks.

It is from this time that ultrasound includes indicators of the weight of the fetus, which at week 8 is from 1 to 1.5 g.
The length of the embryo from the coccyx to the parietal region can reach 2.2 cm. It is the measurement of the parietal-coccygeal length that continues throughout pregnancy, since even after the fetus is fully formed, it cannot be measured from the crown to the heels (the natural position of the embryo is bent legs).
The inner diameter of the egg has an average size of 30 mm.
KTR is 16 mm.
Biparental head size (BDP) - 6 mm.
PHOTO: 8th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

9 weeks.

Weight approximately 2 g. Length from the parietal region to the sacrum from 13 to 17 cm.
The fertilized egg has an internal diameter of 33 mm.
KTP - 23 mm.
BPR - 8.5 mm.
PHOTO: 9th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

10 week.

Weight no more than 4 g.
The distance from the crown to the waist is from 27 to 35 mm.
The average size of the internal diameter of the fetal egg is 39 mm.
KTP - 31 mm.
BPR - 11 mm.
PHOTO: 10th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

11 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is about 55 mm. Weight reaches 7 g.
The inner diameter of the fetal egg is 47 mm.
KTP - 41 mm.
BPR - 15 mm.
From week 11, with the help of ultrasound, the approximate height and weight of the fetus is calculated. This requires measurements of the length of the thigh and the diameter of the chest.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 6.8 cm.
Thigh length - 6.5 mm.
The chest is 20 mm in diameter.
PHOTO: 11th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

12 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is from 70 to 90 mm.
Weight reaches 14-15 g.
The average value of the internal diameter of the fetal egg is 56 mm.
KTP - 53 mm.
BPR - 20 mm.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 8.2 cm.
Thigh length - 9 mm.
PHOTO: 12th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

13 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 10 cm. The weight reaches 25 g.
The average value of the inner diameter of the fetal egg is 65 mm.
KTP - 65 mm.
BPR - 24 mm.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 10 cm.
Thigh length - 12 mm.
The chest is 24 mm in diameter.
PHOTO: 13th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

14 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 11 cm. The weight can reach 43 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 26 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 80 mm.
Skull area - 510 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 12 cm.
Thigh length - 16 mm.
The chest in diameter is 26 mm.
PHOTO: 14th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

15 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 11 cm. The weight can reach 70 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 32 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 90 mm.
Skull area - 675 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 14.2 cm.
Thigh length - 19 mm.
The chest is 28 mm in diameter.
PHOTO: 15th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

16 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 16 cm. The weight can reach 85 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 35 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 102 mm.
Skull area - 860 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 16.2 cm.
Thigh length - 22 mm.
The chest is 34 mm in diameter.
PHOTO: 16th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

17 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 17 cm. Weight is approximately 142 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 39 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 120 mm.
Skull area - 1080 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 18 cm.
Thigh length - 24 mm.
The chest is 38 mm in diameter.
PHOTO: 17th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

18 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 20 cm. The weight can reach 200 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 42 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 126 mm.
Skull area - 1320 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 20 cm.
Thigh length - 28 mm.
The chest is 41 mm in diameter.
PHOTO: 18th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

19 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 20-22 cm. The weight can reach 230 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 44 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 138 mm.
Skull area - 1450 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 22 cm.
Thigh length - 31 mm.
The chest is 44 mm in diameter.
PHOTO: 19th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

20 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 25 cm. The weight can reach 280 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 47 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 144 mm.
Skull area - 1730 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 24 cm.
Thigh length - 34 mm.
The chest is 48 mm in diameter.
PHOTO: 20th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

21 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 25 cm. Weight is from 360 to 370 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 51 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 151 mm.
Skull area - 1870 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 26 cm.
Thigh length - 37 mm.
The chest is 50 mm in diameter.
PHOTO: 21 weeks of pregnancy: the size of the fetus by ultrasound

22 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 27 cm. Weight is from 425 to 430 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 54 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 162 mm.
Skull area - 2190 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 28 cm.
Thigh length - 40 mm.
The chest is 53 mm in diameter.
PHOTO: 22nd week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

23 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 30 cm. Weight 500 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 58 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 170 mm.
Skull area - 2520 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 30 cm.
Thigh length - 43 mm.
The chest is 56 mm in diameter.
PHOTO: 23rd week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

24 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 30 cm. Weight 590 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 61 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 183 mm.
Skull area - 2710 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 31 cm.
Thigh length - 46 mm.
The chest is 59 mm in diameter.
PHOTO: 24th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

25 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 31 cm.
Weight from 700 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 64 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 194 mm.
Skull area -3072 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 32 cm.
Thigh length - 48 mm.
The chest in diameter is 62 mm.
PHOTO: 25th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

26 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 32-33 cm. Weight - 800 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 67 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 199 mm.
Skull area - 3260 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 33 cm.
Thigh length - 51 mm.
The chest in diameter is 64 mm.
PHOTO: 26th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

27 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 34 cm. Weight - 900 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 68 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 215 mm.
Skull area - 3675 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 35.5 cm.
Thigh length - 53 mm.
The chest in diameter is 69 mm.
PHOTO: 27th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

28 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 35 cm. Weight - 1000 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 72 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 218 mm.
Area - 3880 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 37 cm.
Thigh length - 55 mm.
The chest in diameter is 73 mm.
PHOTO: 28th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

29 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 37 cm.
Weight - 1150 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 75 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 225 mm.
Area - 4100 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 39 cm.
Thigh length - 57 mm.
The chest in diameter is 76 mm.
PHOTO: 29th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

30 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 37.5 cm.
Weight can reach 1400 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 78 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 234 mm.
Skull area - 4563 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 40 cm.
Thigh length - 59 mm.
The chest in diameter is 79 mm.
PHOTO: 30th week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

31 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 38-39 cm. The weight can reach 1500 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 80 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 240 mm.
Skull area - 4810 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 41 cm.
Thigh length - 61 mm.
The chest in diameter is 81 mm.
PHOTO: 31 weeks of pregnancy: the size of the fetus by ultrasound

32 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 40 cm. Weight - 1700 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 82 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 246 mm.
Skull area - 5040 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 42 cm.
Thigh length - 63 mm.
The chest in diameter is 83 mm.
PHOTO: 32 weeks pregnant: fetal size by ultrasound

33 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 42 cm. Weight is 1800 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 84 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 255 mm.
Skull area - 5290 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 43.5 cm.
Thigh length - 65 mm.
The chest in diameter is 85 mm.
PHOTO: 33rd week of pregnancy: fetal size by ultrasound

34 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 42 cm. Weight is 2000.
Baby head size:
BPR - 86 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 265 mm.
Skull area - 5547 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 44.5 cm.
Thigh length - 66 mm.
The chest in diameter is 88 mm.
PHOTO: 34 weeks of pregnancy: the size of the fetus by ultrasound

35 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 45 cm. Weight is 2200 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 88 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 270 mm.
Skull area - 5810 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 45.5 cm.
Thigh length - 67 mm.
The chest in diameter is 91 mm.

36 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 46 cm. Weight is 2300 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 90 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 272 mm.
Skull area - 6075 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 46.5 cm.
Thigh length - 69 mm.
The chest in diameter is 94 mm.

37 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 48 cm. Weight is 2800 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 91 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 276 mm.
Skull area - 6348 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 48 cm.
Thigh length - 71 mm.
The chest in diameter is 97 mm.

38 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 50 cm. Weight is 2900 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 92 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 282 mm.
Skull area - 6620 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 48 cm.
Thigh length - 71 mm.
The chest in diameter is 98 mm.

39 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 50 cm. Weight is 3000 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 94 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 285 mm.
Skull area - 6680 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 49 cm.
Thigh length - 73 mm.
The chest in diameter is 99 mm.

40 weeks.

The length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum is 51 cm.
Weight - 3000 g.
Baby head size:
BPR - 95 mm.
The perimeter of the skull is 290 mm.
Skull area - 6770 mm2.
Fruit size:
Fetal growth - 50 cm.
Thigh length - 75 mm.
The chest is 100 mm in diameter.
Do not forget about the error in the average values, as well as the correctly set gestational age, which can lead to an error in calculating the size of the fetus. With multiple pregnancy, other parameters and some lag in size have values.

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13 weeks pregnant
For a woman, the 13th week of pregnancy is a reason for joy and even pride - a third of the childbearing period is behind, for many it was the most difficult period in the entire pregnancy. If you were worried about toxicosis, then almost certainly he had already receded. A lot of positive emotions are delivered by fetal ultrasound performed at this time.
If you manage to make a photo image (preferably in 3D format), then there will also be a reason for surprise - your baby is already very similar to a baby, and even in facial features you can already catch the resemblance to mom or dad.
Unlikely, but still sometimes it is possible to establish the sex of the unborn child.
Your tummy is starting to appear. Most often, it is still invisible to others, but the clothes are already becoming tight. Agree, you have never been so pleased with the fact that the trousers are fastened with difficulty. 13 weeks pregnant is the perfect time to update your wardrobe. Buy pants in a specialty store for pregnant women - comfortable and not restricting movement. Keep in mind - squeezed vessels of the legs and abdomen will exacerbate the load on the veins, which can cause health problems.
With the beginning of the 13th week, a pregnant woman can be congratulated, since a third of this difficult path has already passed. Gradually, irritability passes, and with it the fear for the life of the child associated with spontaneous abortion, i.e. with a miscarriage.
The second trimester is the most pleasant time of the entire pregnancy, since there is no toxicosis anymore. Therefore, it's time to enjoy your pregnancy. In addition, many couples have come to the conclusion that it is in the second trimester that there is an increased sexual desire for a partner, which also cannot but give pleasure. There are still more than 5 months before the upcoming birth, but colostrum, a nutrient fluid, which is the main food for a newborn baby, is already beginning to be produced in the breast until the mother's milk comes.
Feelings are very contradictory. On the one hand, everything is getting better, but it is at the 13th week that, as a rule, a fairly common disease in pregnant women manifests itself - candidiasis (thrush). Candida is the cause of thrush. In a passive state, they live in the body of every person. But with failures of immunity and stress (to which pregnant women are so predisposed), they begin to activate and multiply, displacing the normal microflora.
Thrush is the cause of severe itching and cheesy white discharge, which causes a lot of discomfort. But you should not rush to self-medicate, it is better to take the advice of a doctor who will tell you which medications to choose so as not to harm the baby.
Starting from the 13th week, you need to be very careful about food products, since excessive sweets and flour (butter) products will lead to excess weight gain, and this is of no use to either mother or child. It is better to give preference to fresh berries. Be sure to watch your diet and ensure that all the necessary substances enter the body. Calcium is also very important at week 13, but it is better to give preference to vegetable sources: green vegetables, apples, persimmons, kiwi, lentils. If you have cramps, this issue should be addressed immediately.
In addition, you can think about attending special courses in preparation for childbirth. By the way, it is better to do this together with your spouse, since the information received there will bring the couple closer, allow the man to better understand the current state of the woman, and also teach the correct breathing technique and exercises for expectant mothers, which are most often performed in pairs.
Start using stretch mark creams. Risk areas - chest, abdomen, thighs, buttocks. It's time to take care of yourself. After all, now you are especially feminine and beautiful!

Rules for the expectant mother for the end of the first - the beginning of the second trimester
1. Since the belly of a pregnant woman at this time becomes a clear property, visible to everyone, she should not neglect the rules of hygiene and comfort of clothing. The most correct thing is to buy loose-fitting things for yourself, change your wardrobe and make basic sets of clothes “for going out” and “for home”. To prevent varicose veins, as well as sprains of the tendons, to reduce the load on the legs, a woman should choose shoes with low heels, preferably made from natural materials, with non-slip soles.

2. The development of the fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy continues very rapidly, the formation of the most important parts of the central nervous system ends. In this regard, a woman expecting a baby should pay great attention to her mood and well-being so that stress, excessive stress, nervousness and irritability would not have a detrimental effect at such a crucial moment.

3. The uterus growing from below presses on the intestines, stomach and diaphragm. A woman sometimes feels that she does not have enough air, she has shortness of breath at the slightest acceleration of movements. In order not to deprive herself and the baby of saving oxygen, the expectant mother should take daily walks, preferably away from highways.

4. Under the influence of a large amount of the hormone progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman, there is a weakening of the intestinal tone, constipation occurs. These unpleasant phenomena, in turn, are undesirable for this period of pregnancy, since crowded intestinal loops put pressure on the uterus, pain and spasms can occur in them. With prolonged attempts to defecate, there is a danger of abortion, since strong straining can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. To get rid of painful constipation, you need to reconsider the diet: a pregnant woman should not eat a lot of flour and meat dishes to the detriment of fresh salads and fruits. You should apply the so-called "soft" diet - eat more apples, beets, seaweed. Instead of sweets, you can eat prunes, and instead of mashed potatoes - stewed cabbage. To regulate the stool, the expectant mother should immediately drink a glass of cool water every morning after waking up. In no case should you take laxatives, put cleansing enemas at all stages of pregnancy, as these manipulations can provoke a contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, and significantly increase the risk of abortion.

5. At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman may develop or worsen hemorrhoids. With constant bleeding of hemorrhoids, they can become inflamed, causing severe pain, disrupting the process of normal digestion. Self-medication is unacceptable here - any candles designed to relieve pain and eliminate inflammation of hemorrhoids can neutralize this beneficial effect with great harm to the child. With inflammation, constant bleeding, a woman needs advice and help from a specialist - a proctologist. If the manifestations of hemorrhoids are insignificant, then it's time to perform procedures that will prevent these phenomena from developing into serious complications. Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is the prevention of constipation, first of all, so the expectant mother should pay close attention to her own diet.

your baby
The future baby already knows a lot: he smells the food absorbed by his mother, sucks his finger, somersaults, moves his arms and legs, unclenches and clamps his fists. Start communicating with your child: he hears you, feels pain, responds to stimuli, reacts to changes in temperature and lighting, and even smiles, frowns, yawns! And how good he is in his mother's tummy: muffled twilight, warm, soft, cozy, and muffled sounds coming from afar are so soothing!
The baby's limbs gradually lengthen, and, by about the middle of the 13th week of pregnancy, he can reach his mouth with his hands. A very important reflex is developing, which will be necessary for the child after birth - sucking. As a result of sucking movements, part of the amniotic fluid enters the digestive system of the fetus and wave-like contractions begin in the intestine - peristalsis. Of course, the swallowed waters do not carry an energy function, thus only the intestines are prepared for postpartum life - the fetus is nourished exclusively through the vessels of the umbilical cord. The intestines of the crumbs are located in the abdominal cavity, and villi are formed in it, which will take an active part in the digestion of food.
At the thirteenth week of pregnancy, differentiation of the genital organs occurs. If up to this point in both sexes there was a genital tubercle and a genital gap, now in boys the genital tubercle is transformed into a penis, and the genital gap is overgrown. In boys, the prostate begins to develop - the prostate gland, and in girls - there are already more than 2 million eggs in the ovaries.
The head of the baby is large, and on ultrasound it can be seen that it is about a third of the volume of the body of the fetus. But this is not accidental - nature laid down the active development and formation of the central nervous system, parts of the brain in the period up to the 16th week of pregnancy. The baby already has a cranium, which so far consists of very soft, but rapidly forming cartilaginous plates. The eyes are shifted to the center and the face of the fetus is already acquiring the features of a baby. The eyelids are still tightly closed.
The pancreas of the unborn baby at the thirteenth week of pregnancy begins to produce its own insulin, and the liver already produces microscopic doses of bile.
In addition, from the 13th week, the baby begins laying the tissue responsible for the formation of bones, the “outline” of the first ribs has already been made, bone tissue is laid in place of the limbs and head. All 20 milk teeth of the baby are finally formed and now they will wait in the wings.
The placenta completely took over the functions of the corpus luteum.
A 13-week-old fetus weighs between 15-25 g and has an average "growth" of 7-8 cm. It's hard to believe, but this baby's heart pumps 23 liters of blood per day!

14 weeks pregnant
The second trimester of pregnancy begins - the most fertile time. The greatest risks and fears are already behind us, and the third trimester, which is difficult in the literal sense, is not yet close. It's time to enjoy your pregnancy to remember this wonderful time forever. Start by communicating with the baby - he already hears you, feels your mood and sends response signals, although you still do not feel them.
Very often, the 14th week of pregnancy is called the beginning of the "golden period of pregnancy" (which lasts up to 26 weeks), because by this moment the mother's body has already adapted to the changes that have taken place, and the baby is actively moving, growing and developing.
Now a woman can feel much better and more energetic than she did in early pregnancy. The uterus continues to increase in volume due to the rapid growth of the baby, and the stomach gradually begins to round. Therefore, loose-fitting clothes become mommy's first friend right up to the very birth.
For some women who spend most of their time on their feet, their doctor may recommend wearing a special maternity bandage.
A pregnant woman at 14 weeks pregnant begins to feel faint, vague movements in her uterus. Although, for the most part, these movements are felt peristalsis of the intestines, the mother tends to believe that these are the movements of her beloved baby. The expression on the face of a pregnant woman during this period becomes mysterious - she hears the deepest secrets of the new Universe contained in her body, and is happy that her baby is with her and gives her signs. During this period, as a rule, early toxicosis recedes, if it was present before. The uterus tends to increase upward, and the woman feels relief associated with the disappearance of the increased urge to urinate.
Usually the 14th week of pregnancy is the time for an increase in the tummy. If you are not pregnant for the first time, then it may have happened in previous weeks. And now the stomach has risen higher and noticeably rounded. You are gaining extra weight, but so far this is mainly due to increased blood volumes. However, the baby is actively moving and developing the muscular system, and therefore requires protein from the mother. You may feel constant hunger, but gluttony is now highly undesirable. Know how to correctly compose your diet and diet. Due to the active development of muscle fibers in a baby at week 14, mothers need to include protein-rich foods in their diet. Also, in most pregnant women, week 14 is associated with increased appetite (and even gluttony), which does not leave them even at night. But you need to try to deceive your body by consuming a maximum of light fruits or vegetables at night.
In order to avoid stretch marks, start using a special cream right now. Ideally, you should use products purchased at a pharmacy and designed specifically for pregnant women. It is best if the cream contains vitamin E and collagen - nourishing and building elements for the skin.
The breasts of the expectant mother can increase even more. Now on the surface of the areola - the areola - there are protruding small nodules, which are called Montgomer's glands. The nipple is usually dense, large. The areola and nipple become pigmented, becoming darker in color than before.
At the 14th week of pregnancy, a woman may feel fullness, swelling of the breast, even pain. This is due to the fact that a large amount of colostrum begins to accumulate in the milk ducts, stretching the walls of these ducts. In order to get rid of pain, prepare the breast for lactation, and at the same time - to prevent stretch marks (stretch marks) on the surface of the mammary glands, a woman can perform daily contrast compresses on the chest, alternately with a cold and hot towel, and after the procedure - apply to the skin of the breast natural vegetable oil or baby cream.
It is worth, however, to warn the expectant mother that any manipulations, even hygiene procedures, with the mammary glands during the entire pregnancy should be extremely careful and easy. Any excessive massage movements on the chest, irritation of the nipple and areola can cause contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, and this, in turn, threatens premature termination of pregnancy.
Do not ignore medical examinations - even if you feel wonderful, the doctor may notice signs of trouble and prescribe preventive treatment. The uterus at the fourteenth week of pregnancy is already palpable through the anterior abdominal wall, its upper edge is now about 10-13 cm above the pubis.
The 14th week of pregnancy is already a safer period of pregnancy in terms of exposure to infections and toxins on the fetus. Some medicines that were banned in the first trimester can now be taken safely.
More active sex life is allowed. If you haven't signed up for pregnancy gymnastics classes yet, now is the perfect time. Keep in mind - childbirth, like the process of carrying a pregnancy itself, requires good physical fitness and endurance from you. Instead of going to the gym, you can purchase a video course with specific exercises. Be careful not to do gymnastics if you feel unwell, and be especially sensitive to symptoms such as abdominal pain and dizziness. A pregnant woman should not limit herself to household chores, especially if they give her real pleasure, as well as infringe on positive emotions and movement. You can watch an interesting kind movie, take a walk with your spouse in the park, or buy something for yourself. Also, the expectant mother should involve the future father in her experiences, feelings, and even interests so that he can communicate with the baby. Indeed, thanks to this, after birth, the child will quickly recognize familiar voices and will be calm. Approximately now the woman begins to identify herself with motherhood and try on a new role. You think more about the child, pay more attention to things that you were previously indifferent to, change your life views and values.
From the 14th week, changes in the skin of a pregnant woman may begin, namely the formation or change of papillomas and birthmarks. From this feeling at the fourteenth week of pregnancy, the mood of the expectant mother is not very favorable. Papillomas (soft warts) can change in size (if they were already present before pregnancy) or grow, and birthmarks can darken or change their size. Therefore, in case of changes in existing formations on the skin, you need to show them to the doctor to identify the causes associated with them.
Sometimes pregnant women develop warts - warts in the anus or vagina, the formation of which is associated with the papillomavirus. With this problem, it is also worth contacting a specialist. Warts can complicate the course of pregnancy, as well as the upcoming birth, because they can grow strongly, clogging the birth canal, which prevents childbirth. But the most unpleasant thing here is that during childbirth, you can infect a newborn baby with this virus.
Condylomas can and should be treated, and for this there are a variety of methods: conventional and laser surgery, cauterization, freezing and treatment with special drugs. But if condylomas were detected even before pregnancy, then it is better, of course, not to delay treatment and start immediately, since some methods of treating warts are not desirable during pregnancy, besides, the presence of warts distorts the results of a scraping smear.

your baby
The child begins a new life - it sounds paradoxical, but true. He, as before, is connected with the mother's organism by a strong and reliable umbilical cord, which is the transport hub of the main nutrition, but his vital activity turns from passive to very active. The kid makes a variety of movements, clenching his fists, touching his face with his fingers, tucking his legs, raising and lowering his head - and this process seems to give him pleasure. If we saw the movements of our baby now, we would be very surprised - he sucks his finger, feels his face, tummy, can grab the umbilical cord, stretch, yawn or frown. By the end of the week, children's arms will be proportional to the whole body, but the legs for this have yet to grow. Ultrasound studies of pregnant women at week 14 show that the baby, as it were, listens to the language of his body, sensations, “helps” movements with facial expressions, even tries to express emotions with his face. This, of course, happens unconsciously - it is still very far from true consciousness! But the process of mastering the movements has already begun, and it will move forward with truly leaps and bounds. The movements of the baby in the uterus become very active - there is still enough space, and he "trains", freely performing flexion and extension movements with his limbs. The child can somersault, push off from the walls of the uterus, but his movements remain spontaneous, involuntary, they obey the simplest reaction of the baby to touching the walls of the fetal bladder and the umbilical cord. The cerebellum continues to form in the brain, and very soon the child will be able to control his movements, choose the most comfortable body positions for him.
At the fourteenth week of pregnancy, a bone skeleton forms in the fetus, the first ribs appear, and during an ultrasound examination, chest movements resembling respiratory ones can already be seen. Of course, he does not breathe yet, but only trains the muscles of the chest and diaphragm, preparing them for the first breath.
Taste sensations are formed - the baby reacts differently to the sweet and sour taste of amniotic fluid.
The rudiments of eyebrows, a well-drawn nose and mouth are visible on the child's face. A lobe is formed on the ears, the ears are on the sides of the head - where they are supposed to be when the baby is born. The baby's cheeks acquire a more rounded shape, small lips either stretch, as if smiling, or tighten. The child sometimes opens his mouth, but the eyes are still tightly covered with eyelids, although the eyeballs are fully formed.
An important specificity of the 14th week of pregnancy is the appearance of the first gun, lanugo, in the baby. As a rule, by the time of birth, it completely disappears from the skin, but if the child is born prematurely, this fluff can still cover the small body at birth, gradually disappearing from it in the future. The skin on the baby's body is still very thin - through it you can see the blood vessels and internal organs. But already now, at the fourteenth week of intrauterine development, on the surface of the baby's skin, an original lubricant is formed - a thin layer of fat that protects the skin from the effects of amniotic fluid on it. This lubricant is very similar to wax - it adheres tightly to the baby's skin, is not washed off with liquid, and gives the baby's skin elasticity.
All organs are already laid down and functioning.
The thyroid gland produces its own hormones.
From the 14th week, the baby's liver begins to independently produce bile, and the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes) will be carried out by the spleen of the crumbs. The liver has removed the function of hematopoiesis, it is now engaged in the neutralization of toxins that accidentally enter the body, or are formed during the life of the fetus. The red bone marrow is involved in fetal hematopoiesis. It is already possible to determine the blood type and Rh factor of a little man (although the composition of the blood has not yet formed) and even the sex of the child (but it is still impossible to determine it on ultrasound). A heart can be heard even with a stethoscope.
The digestive system of the child is fully formed, it even begins to function - however, it is still in the "test" mode, since it is not involved in the processing and digestion of food.
Intestinal peristalsis really happens: at week 14, the small intestine begins to move its first contents - bile.
By week 14, the baby already knows how to produce urine, which is thrown into the amniotic fluid. Another feature that occurs at week 14 is the respiratory movements performed by the baby, the frequency of which is 40-70 per minute.
Sexual glands develop. In boys, the prostate gland is formed. In girls, the ovaries, which originally appeared in the abdominal cavity, descend into the small pelvis.
The baby is already long - 8-10 cm, the weight of the baby is 30-40 g.

The first trimester is behind us, and now at 14 weeks pregnant, the beginning of your baby's second important period of growth. You can exhale, as the second trimester is considered the most comfortable. Toxicosis, anxiety and hormonal imbalance are left behind, it's time to enjoy the pregnancy and, perhaps, even feel the first movements of the little man.

It remains to find out in more detail what happens to your body at the 14th week of pregnancy and how your baby already looks.

Pregnancy 14 weeks

Your feelings at the 14th week of pregnancy can be described in one word - appeasement. The calmest period has started - the second trimester, the tummy is just beginning to round out, and absolutely does not interfere with leading a full-fledged healthy lifestyle.

There is also a medical explanation for the state of euphoria. At week 14, your body is controlled by the hormone cortisol, which protects you from stress and the negative effects of the environment. And if you are calm, then it is good for the baby.

The second hormone, which dominates at week 14, prolactin, will make itself felt visually by increasing the volume of the breast, and at the sensual level it forms attachment to the baby. By the way, it is the increase in breast size that often gives out an interesting position, so it's time to open the cards.

If you have not gained or even lost weight for the previous 13 weeks, then starting from the 14th week, you can immediately add 2 kg, your appetite contributes to this.

Baby development at 14 weeks

To visualize how big your baby is at 14 weeks of development, pick up a medium lemon. baby go over
t in the active stage of growth, and already knows a lot.

  1. Options;
  • Baby growth at week 14 up to 10 cm with 40 grams of weight;
  • The general structure of the body, like that of a mature child, only the harmony goes off scale, because fat cells will begin to form later, and the proportions are somewhat different: the legs are short, but the arms are gradually lengthening, there are joints, and cartilage hardening is observed;
  • The baby's face is formed, ears and neck are visible;
  • The baby's heart beats actively: up to 180 beats per minute.
  1. movements;
  • At 14 weeks of gestation, fetal development enters the active stage. He can move, starting from the abdominal wall, clenching and unclenching his fists, grimacing and may frown;
  • If this is not your first pregnancy, then it is probably at week 14 that you will feel this activity of the child, similar to the swimming of a fish;
  • Your attending physician will also be able to assess the mobility of the baby: when he listens to the stomach, a small athlete can run away from being touched.
  1. Internal organs;
  • During this period, the first ribs, joints are formed in the baby and cartilage gradually ossifies, but the bones of the skull still remain soft, their time will come in the post-natal period;
  • The diaphragm is included in the work, so far only for swallowing movements.
  1. organs of touch;
  • Talk to your baby, at week 14 he already hears you and can distinguish between his own, native voices and the voices of strangers;
  • Also, during this period, taste buds form in your bladder, so when you indulge in salty or peppery, the baby receives a bitter amniotic fluid. The fact that the latter is not to his liking is proved by weak swallowing activity; for comparison, studies of the activity of the baby after a sweet snack from mommy are taken;
  • But, despite the formed organs of vision, the child is not in a hurry to open his eyes.
  1. Sexual organs;
  • Although the baby has already formed ovaries or a prostate, it will not be possible to find out the sex at the 14th week of pregnancy of the one who lives in your tummy. But whoever is there, he already knows how to write, since at 14 weeks the genitourinary system is fully formed.
  1. Hair.
  • In addition to fine hairs all over your baby's body, eyebrows and cilia appear at week 14, and the hairs on the head become thicker and thicker.
  1. Circulatory system.
  • At the beginning of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, you can determine the Rh and blood type of your baby.

A baby at the 14th week of pregnancy is an already formed little man, with his own passions and desires. All his emotions are visible on his face, and in a few weeks he will declare them with hard fists and you can already feel them.

Mom's well-being

You already feel a general relief as soon as the 14th week of pregnancy has come. The tummy began to round, the chest to fill up, and you want to take a walk and sleep at the same time. You really need to walk more, the main thing is to switch to comfortable shoes on an even course, and you need to hide your heels, for 26 weeks.

Uterine size

At 14 weeks of gestation, the size of the fetus is about 10 cm, there should be plenty of space for the baby, so at week 14, the size of your uterus will increase significantly and rise closer to the navel. You can feel it, just put your hand on your stomach. The uterus at the 14th week of pregnancy will be 12 cm high.

Pain at 14 weeks

Yes, week 14 brought you relief from morning sickness and dizziness, but to assure you that there will be no other troubles is wrong. The back can declare itself or migraines will appear.

  1. Back pain. If you love heels, then most likely your back will make itself felt during pregnancy. Extra kilos also make themselves felt: at week 14, the tummy grows, the center of gravity shifts, and the load on the back increases. As an option - wear a special supporting bandage and completely change your wardrobe and shoes for high-quality and comfortable things (read the article on the topic: Back pain during pregnancy >>>);
  2. Headache. Pregnancy is not a disease, but it still requires special attention to your health. Even the work schedule needs to be adjusted so that you can satisfy your hunger at any time or even sit in silence for 5 minutes. Overwork, noisy and closed rooms, fasting and a busy schedule are not the best companions for you at week 14;

All of the above can provoke a migraine, which will be extremely difficult to fight. Medicines at week 14 should be said no, but rest, temporal massage, mint tea will help remove headaches. Among the acceptable pharmaceutical products are Paracetamol and No-shpa, but be sure to pay attention to individual contraindications.

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen. The problem when the stomach pulls at the 14th week of pregnancy is quite common. The main thing: to distinguish between permissible and dangerous pain.
  • If the nature of the sensations is tolerable, barely noticeable, then most likely we are talking about stretching the muscles that hold the growing uterus;
  • Another thing is throbbing, growing pain or reflex, arising unexpectedly, to which discharge or lumbar pain are added. In this case, the uterus comes into tone, which is unacceptable for the 14th week of pregnancy and threatens with a miscarriage. It is not excluded even the fading of the fetus.

Bleeding. Allocations

There may be discharge at the 14th week of pregnancy, but their amount should be moderate, and there should be no smell and color. All other characteristics indicate deviations:

  1. Curd white discharge is a sign of thrush. It is impossible to ignore them, since the disease can go into an advanced stage or weaken the body before other infections. For information on how to deal with thrush, read the article Thrush during pregnancy >>>;
  2. Yellow discharge with purulent inclusions is an inflammatory process, one cannot do without the help of specialists;
  3. Blood impurities that turn into bleeding are a dangerous signal of an incipient miscarriage or fetal fading;
  4. If you notice brown discharge at the 14th week of pregnancy after examining a gynecologist, while there is no pain in the lower abdomen, this is a sign of erosion (read more in the article: Brown discharge during pregnancy >>>). You can conduct a course of treatment with acceptable drugs, such as Hexicon suppositories, or turn to traditional medicine.

Please note that even clear discharge in large quantities is a reason to make an appointment. Leakage of amniotic fluid is not excluded.

Feelings at 14 weeks

Calmness, tranquility and love for the unborn baby are your main feelings at the 14th week of pregnancy. To this may be added a desire to improve housing conditions and start repairs. This desire can be compared to the spring nesting instinct in birds.

Against the background of psychological balance, you may experience some physiological troubles. These are pains in the back and lower abdomen, migraines, as well as a lack of vitamins.

  • Nails break, and hair falls massively - you have a lack of Calcium and vitamin A;
  • Gum problems - add vitamin C;
  • Vitamin C will also help your immune system resist diseases;
  • If convulsions appear, magnesium is needed. By the way, convulsions are quite frequent companions of pregnant women. What to do if this unpleasant symptom accompanies you, find out from the article Leg cramps during pregnancy >>>

In addition, birthmarks and papillomas may appear on your skin. The latter is preceded by a weakening of the immune system and the triumph of papillomavirus. Urgently lean on vitamins, and you will be engaged in treatment after childbirth.

Among the pleasant sensations are the movements of the baby at the 14th week of pregnancy. Baby's first kicks are like stomach churning or a fish swimming, but that's how your little man makes himself felt.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

Cold at 14 weeks pregnant

Although it is believed that your baby at week 14 is well protected by the placental barrier from external influences, there is still a risk of intrauterine infection. If you get sick, while the temperature rises above 38 and does not go astray after taking Paracetamol, you should definitely see a therapist.

Important! Please note that the list of permitted drugs has been significantly expanded since the 14th week; you can even resort to antibiotics as prescribed by a specialist.


Each disease can be dangerous for your baby, so treatment must be timely and, most importantly, correct. High body temperature at the 14th week of pregnancy can adversely affect the functionality of the placenta, lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus, reduce the protective function of the placenta and infection of the fetus.

Alcohol at 14 weeks

Alcohol, like other bad habits, is prohibited at week 14. The use of alcoholic beverages can inhibit the development of the fetus, lead to a violation in the formation of the skeletal system. In addition, ethanol enters the amniotic fluid, which the baby has already learned to swallow, and, therefore, alcohol poisons his internal organs from the inside.


Sex at the 14th week of pregnancy is not only not prohibited, but even welcomed. This is facilitated by both your psychological state of calm and relaxation, and increased sensitivity, especially in the chest area.

Your figure at the 14th week of pregnancy is charming: the chest has increased, the tummy has just begun to round, the movements are light and measured. At this stage of pregnancy, you should choose safe positions: on your side or a woman on top. This will relieve pressure on the tummy.

Examination of mother and child

  1. Usually at this time, most women have already registered with the antenatal clinic, and once a month they are examined by an obstetrician and take urine tests.
  2. Ultrasound at the 14th week of pregnancy is no longer prescribed, since the best time for it is 11-12 weeks. You need to pass a general blood and urine test, go through a general practitioner, an ophthalmologist and a dentist, and also pass an analysis for the hCG hormone, which can detect or rule out a congenital chromosomal abnormality of the fetus.
  3. As for the urine test, it will be given to you before each appointment to observe the work of your kidneys;
  4. A blood test is given less frequently, its main task is to exclude inflammatory processes and monitor the level of hemoglobin in the blood. If you have a negative blood cut, then you will be assigned an additional analysis for the Rh conflict with the baby. By the presence of antibodies, a forecast is made regarding the child's blood type and further management of pregnancy and childbirth is planned;
  5. The results of the analysis for hCG are not a diagnosis, a complete picture of the development of the baby will be supplemented by ultrasound or, if necessary, puncture of amniotic fluid. By the way, the tandem of hormonal analysis and ultrasound with the measurement of the collar zone and the ratio of the proportions of the body and face of the fetus is called screening. The first is carried out before 14 weeks, the second - after 18.

Ultrasound at 14 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound examination for a period of 14 weeks is planned. If this is your first visual-hardware acquaintance with a child, then the first thing the specialist will note is the number of babies. Then he moves on to measurements:

  • Growth. Measurement of growth in the usual sense is not possible in utero, so measurements are taken from the crown to the coccyx. The fetus at 14 weeks of gestation, excluding legs, should be 7-8 cm;
  • Head. The transverse size of the head should be 2-3 cm, but the circumference should be up to 10 cm. Particular attention is paid to the study of the face. The nose should be well visualized, the mouth should be visible, the main thing: so that the baby does not suck his finger at this moment or does not cover his face with his hands;
  • Tummy. The circumference should be up to 8 cm;
  • Bone system. The specialist will carefully examine the length of the thigh, the presence of all bones and hands, count all the fingers;
  • Internal organs. An ultrasound at week 14 gives a picture of the development of the baby's internal organs and even the brain.

Lifestyle at 14 weeks pregnant

  1. Nausea and weakness left you at 14 weeks pregnant, so it's time to seize the moment and resume your activity. You can sign up for classes for expectant mothers, practice yoga for pregnant women or visit the pool. By the way, water treatments perfectly tone your skin and relax your muscles;
  2. As before, at 14 weeks of gestation, what happens to the mother is fully reflected in the condition of your baby. Therefore, you need to give up bad habits, walk more in the fresh air, be less in stuffy crowded rooms;
  3. There are a number of requirements for your appearance:
  • No one forces you to refuse the services of a hairdresser or stylist, but it is recommended to carefully approach the choice of cosmetics and make a choice in favor of natural ingredients;
  • Manipulations are best done at home, since you and your child do not need the cabin air saturated with aerosol;
  • As for clothes, the stomach at the 14th week of pregnancy cannot be squeezed. The cut of clothes should be loose, fabrics should be natural, underwear should be sized and preferably pitted, and shoes without heels;
  1. Don't forget about rest. If you have a sedentary job, take a moment to walk around, you can take off your shoes and put your feet up to prevent venous insufficiency. By the way, sleeping on your back for a period of 14 weeks is no longer possible, it's time to learn to rest on your side.


  • Culinary delights at week 14 are progressing. Cucumbers with honey or herring with ice cream may seem delicious to you, but do not forget that your little gourmet may not be delighted with such a treat. Your food should be healthy, rational and fortified. Find out how to diversify and enrich your diet with healthy foods from the book Secrets of Proper Nutrition for a Future Mother >>>;
  • It is necessary to exclude salty, peppered, smoked, remove preservatives and food additives, as well as foods that can cause allergies. These are nuts, peanuts, honey, chocolate and eggs. Weight, starting from the 14th week, is gained very easily and quickly, so it's time to give up muffins and sweets;
  • Low-fat meats and fish, vegetables and fruits are the main friends of the 14th week;
  • By the way, with the help of fruits you can adjust your stool: plums are an excellent remedy for constipation, while pears have the opposite effect. So that there is no problem when the stomach hurts at the 14th week of pregnancy, it is better to exclude cabbage and legumes from the diet that provoke flatulence. Instead of whole milk, it is better to use sour-milk products.

14 weeks is the time when the baby can already hear you. Communicate with him yourself, attach to the dialogue and dad. Listen to music, visit exhibitions, walk in the park - in a word, get as many positive emotions as possible, believe me, your condition is transmitted to the baby.

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