The main characters of the poem Dubrovsky. "Dubrovsky" main characters

The image of the protagonist in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

The novel by A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" was written on the basis of real events - the uprising of peasants dissatisfied with their hard life after the war of 1812. The author with great accuracy depicts not only the life and customs of the Russian village, but also the way of life of the landlord with its amusements and excesses.

The protagonist of the work is Vladimir Dubrovsky. This is what the title of the novel says. All the events described are connected with his personality, his fate. In the course of the story, the character, worldview, and inner world of Dubrovsky undergo changes.

At the beginning of the novel, this is a young nobleman, the spoiled only son of the landowner, the future owner of the estate, the master. He was brought up by tutors, studied in the cadet corps, served in the guards infantry regiment in St. Petersburg and had no idea about the life of serfs. Dubrovsky led the idle life of a typical young nobleman, played cards, spent his father's money, which was sent to him in the right amount, did not think about the future.

The letter with the news of his father's illness excited the hero. Dubrovsky undoubtedly loved his father, although he did not really know him. Followed

then misfortunes (the death of the father and the loss of the estate) change the young man. After the funeral, he realizes that he was left alone in the world. Dubrovsky thinks about what awaits him next. This is no longer a carefree young man, but a person responsible for the fate of the people subject to him - the peasants.

The hero wants to take revenge, but not only for himself, but for all those unjustly offended. However, he is not cruel: he robs only the rich, like a noble robber, and does not kill anyone. The image of Dubrovsky acquires romantic features.

To carry out his revenge, the hero enters Troekurov's house under the guise of a French teacher Deforge. But the outbreak of love for Marya Kirilovna Troekurova changes his plans. He refuses revenge. Love for Masha transforms the hero.

Reading episodes about Dubrovsky's life in Troekurov's house, we learn about his appearance for the first time. The author gives meager portrait features: twenty-three years old, medium height, brown eyes, blond hair, straight nose. But more attention is paid to his courage and composure. The episode with the bear is a clear confirmation of this. The hero was not timid, he was not afraid of the hungry beast, which earned him the respect of even Kirila Petrovich.

Dubrovsky's honesty and nobility arouse no less admiration in the reader. He confesses his love to Masha, tells who he is, and, not hoping for anything, promises her help.

At the conclusion of the novel, when a happy ending seems to be near, Dubrovsky fails. Om turns out to be lonely, useless and sees no point in further existence. The reader learns scanty facts from his subsequent biography. But we understand that the future life of the hero will be filled with sadness and hopelessness.

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Russian authors have given the world many outstanding works. The struggle for freedom, love, the division of society into classes, the importance of a sense of duty and responsibility for a person - these are the immortal themes of Russian classics. Separately, in the list of works, one can single out the novel "Dubrovsky", created by A. S. Pushkin, who combined all these motives.

History of creation

A. S. Pushkin took as the basis of his novel a real story that happened to the landowner Ostrovsky in the early 30s. XIX century. Then the estate was taken away from him, but the peasants flatly refused to accept the new owner and became robbers. This story greatly shocked A. S. Pushkin, who always sought to limit arbitrariness and protect human rights.


The author of the novel "Dubrovsky" created an extremely interesting narrative in terms of plot. So, the work begins to capture the reader literally from the first pages. The novel is about the not very rich landowner Dubrovsky, who faced the harassment of a richer neighbor and former friend Troekurov. As a result, through the fault of a friend and then Dubrovsky dies, and the estate goes to a neighbor. Dubrovsky's son, Vladimir, cannot come to terms with this and burns down his estate. However, officials are inside, and he is charged with murder, in connection with which he chose to hide.

At this time, a gang of robbers is formed, as it is assumed, under the leadership of Dubrovsky, and a new teacher Deforge appears in Troekurov's house, with whom his daughter Maria falls in love. As it turns out later, he is Dubrovsky, the leader of the gang.

The work ends tragically - the main characters of the novel "Dubrovsky" are separated. Maria marries another on her father's orders, and Dubrovsky's gang is surrounded and defeated. However, he himself disappears, and his fate remains unknown.

The main characters of the novel "Dubrovsky"

As the title suggests, the main character of the novel is Vladimir Dubrovsky. Before the problems with the estate began, he served in the capital and spent his time exclusively on entertainment. However, the situation with his father greatly changed the character of the hero. "Justice is more precious than anything else, including personal happiness," Dubrovsky understands. An analysis of his actions shows that the hero is ready to seek justice at any cost, including at the cost of his life.

He is the opposite of Troekurov, since honor, love, dignity, care, devotion and other high feelings are important for Dubrovsky. According to researchers, it is through this character that A. S. Pushkin expresses his thoughts.

The main character of the work is Maria Troekurova. This is a young girl who has strict rules. She falls in love with Dubrovsky, who appeared in the house under the guise of teacher Deforge, but refuses to run away with him and marries another, unloved person at the behest of her father. When Dubrovsky stops them immediately after the wedding and asks her to run away with him, she again refuses, although she loves him, and explains this by the fact that the engagement has already taken place. To understand her act, one must take into account the time reflected in the novel. Dubrovsky nevertheless wanted to go against the grain, begging her to leave her husband. But the love of Vladimir and Masha ends tragically.

The time reflected in the novel "Dubrovsky"

To better understand the work, it is necessary to take into account the period of its creation. So, the time reflected in the novel "Dubrovsky" refers to the 30s. XIX century. It was then that A. S. Pushkin began to be fascinated by the theme of the peasant revolt, which first appeared in this work. Later, the author continued it in the story "The Captain's Daughter".

The era in the novel is conveyed by A. S. Pushkin very colorfully. So, when reading, the social situation at that time, the life of the nobles in the provinces, as well as their arbitrariness, immediately become clear, because not only Troekurov shows it, but also other nobles.

The time reflected in the novel "Dubrovsky" is separated from us by almost a couple of centuries, but little has changed in the country since then, because the rich still do whatever they want, and often with impunity, corruption flourishes.

Topics covered in the novel "Dubrovsky"

A. S. Pushkin touches on many ideas, among which the problem of confrontation between humbled peasants and landlords, who freely create arbitrariness, stands out clearly. Troekurov personifies everything bad in the novel: unreasonable cruelty towards the peasants, his former friend Dubrovsky, and even his own daughter, who, under the compulsion of her father, marries not for love. The author condemns this situation, which is why the leader of the gang turns out to be a positive character for him.

Also, the theme of corruption is clearly noted in the work, because in fact Troekurov did not have rights to the Dubrovsky estate, but with the help of money he was able to arrange everything properly.

It should be noted in the novel and the theme of the popular uprising of the peasants, who followed their former master not according to the law, but at the behest of the heart.

DUBROVSKII - the hero of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" (1832-1833). (In drafts: Andrei Zubrovsky, Ostrovsky.) Vladimir Andreevich D. - an officer, the son of a well-born, but impoverished landowner. After the loss of the family estate, D., out of revenge and hatred, sets fire to the estate, goes with his peasants into the forest and becomes a robber. Having fallen in love with the daughter of the culprit of all Troekurov's misfortunes - Maria Kirilovna, D. under the guise of a French teacher Deforge enters the house of his enemy. D. demonstrates extraordinary courage and determination: being in a cage with a hungry bear (one of Troekurov's jokes), calmly putting a gun to the beast's ear, he kills him, which wins the heart of Maria Kirilovna. But Masha agrees to run away with D. only when she is threatened with marriage to the old Prince Vereisky. As a result of chance (which in Pushkin's works is always full of meaning), the hero is late to release the bride before the wedding. D. with his gang attacks the carriage in which the married Masha and the prince are returning from the church. Masha refuses D.'s help. In the last chapter, D. disbands the gang and goes abroad. The tradition founded by V. G. Belinsky to represent D. as a social hero, an ataman of robbers or a fighter against injustice reveals a contradiction with the logic of the development of the very image and actions of D. in the plot. The apparent incompleteness of the external plot is exhausted by the completeness of the fate of D. This is pointed out by a number of modern researchers, referring by analogy to the “incompleteness” of Eugene Onegin. A gang of peasants robbing estates and wealthy travelers is not an organic environment for D.. Among them, he remains an officer and a gentleman who knows how to command. Pushkin draws the reader's attention to D.'s "mummery". In the draft, he crosses out the word "transformed" and replaces it with the word "changed clothes." "D. to the end it remains a contour image, without acquiring the density and tangibility of a specific figure ”(N. Petrunina). Book. Vereisky mockingly calls D. the name of the melodramatic hero - Rinaldino.

In Pushkin's narrative, the romantic image of the robber is consistently reduced. D. does not rob the French teacher, but, having entered his position and persuaded him to sell his documents, says goodbye to him with the wishes that the Frenchman find his mother in good health in Paris. At the station where chance brought the Frenchman and D., the latter arrives and leaves in a carriage. His behavior and appearance are so ordinary and not intimidating that when the caretaker, who recognized D., upon his departure tells his wife who their guest was, she exclaims: “You are not afraid of God, Sidorych. Why didn't you tell me that before, I would have at least looked at D., and now wait for him to turn around again. You are shameless, right, shameless!” The image of D. had several prototypes. Nashchokin told Pushkin about the landowner Ostrovsky, “who had a lawsuit with a neighbor for land, was ousted from the estate and, left with some peasants, began to rob, first clerks, then others. Pushkin knew about the case of the Nizhny Novgorod landowner (the surname is the same as that of the hero), from whom in 1802 the estate of his relative was illegally taken away. IL Andronikov points to a number of other possible prototypes. The typical situation of the unfair loss of the estate allowed Pushkin to include in the text of the novel a detailed document on several pages - a court decision to take away the estate from Father D. in favor of Troekurov. Ambition, ardent disposition, inherited from the previous generation, impulsiveness, bordering on tyranny, push D. to reckless acts that turn into a crime. The lot of young D. is hard labor or forced emigration. Pushkin was not interested in the melodramatic hero-robber, but in the fate of a Russian nobleman who became a victim of injustice.

Pushkin's hero and plot were embodied in the once popular but now forgotten opera by E.F. Napravnik (1895), in which many famous tenors performed the main part: from L.V. Sobinov to S.Ya. Lemeshev. In the film adaptation of the novel (1936), the role of D. was played by B.N. Livanov.

Vladimir Dubrovsky is the protagonist of Pushkin's famous story. His image has revolutionary features. A kind of Russian Robin Hood of the nineteenth century, who made revenge for his beloved father the goal of his life. However, in the soul of a noble robber there is a place for romantic dreams. The hero of Pushkin's story is rather contradictory. The character of Vladimir Dubrovsky is controversial. Who is he, the son of an impoverished nobleman? Forest robber or lyrical hero?

Andrey Gavrilovich

The character of Vladimir Dubrovsky, like any other person, was formed under the influence of upbringing and environment. But the main factor that influenced his fate is, no doubt, the tragedy that occurred in his family. After all, the character of Vladimir Dubrovsky at the time when his father was alive differs significantly from the character of a robber who kept the landlords from nearby villages in fear after the death of Andrei Gavrilovich. But still, what were the childhood and youth of the protagonist? What was Dubrovsky's father?

Kirila Petrovich Troekurov was an evil and extremely vicious person. He treated cruelly not only with his yards, but also with other less wealthy landowners. Troekurov did not respect or fear anyone. Only his old friend - Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. Their warm relationship surprised everyone: the rude tyrant listened to every word of his poor neighbor and never allowed himself even a caustic remark about him.

Andrei Gavrilovich was distinguished by his proud and independent disposition. Once Troekurov spoke to him about the possibility of intermarriage. Gavrila Petrovich wanted to marry Masha to the son of his friend, despite the fact that he was "a goal like a falcon." However, Troekurov's neighbor did not even allow the thought of marrying his son - a poor nobleman - to a "spoiled woman." The character traits of Vladimir Dubrovsky are pride, uncompromisingness, independence. They were passed on to the young nobleman from his father.

Discord between the landowners

But one day an event happened, after which friends forever became enemies. It all started with a rude joke of the troekurovsky kennel. The serf of Gavrila Petrovich dared to declare that the master's dogs live better than some landowners. He meant, of course, Andrei Gavrilovich. The old nobleman did not forget the servile joke. But who is responsible for the words of the serf? Definitely his owner.

The war was at first "cold", then grew into open hostility. Troekurov, with the help of some machinations, deprived his former friend of the family estate. Andrey Gavrilovich has since become seriously ill, which was immediately reported to his son, who served in the infantry guard.

The qualities of the character of Vladimir Dubrovsky are described by the author in some detail. The man who was destined to become the leader of the bandit peasants had a soft and carefree disposition in his youth. If there hadn't been a fatal quarrel between his father and a neighboring landowner, he might have become an ordinary representative of his estate, that is, an idle person, wasting his life and the remnants of his parental fortune. What was the character of Vladimir Dubrovsky before he received the news of his father's illness and the ruin of the family estate?

Adolescence and youth

The protagonist of Pushkin's story, despite the shaken well-being of the parent, lived carefree. His father spared nothing for him. Having lost his mother in childhood, he was brought to the capital at the age of eight. I rarely saw my father. The character of the hero Vladimir Dubrovsky is undergoing significant changes. Changes in his soul begin from the moment when he receives a letter from his old nanny. The message says that the father is ill, he is forgotten, sometimes he stays in his thoughts for a long time.


Vladimir during the service was wasteful, he lost a lot at cards. But upon returning home, seeing his father, who had fallen into perfect childhood, he suddenly changed. He suddenly realized that he was responsible for the old and sick parent, for the peasants, the courtyards. The affairs of Andrei Gavrilovich were in absolute disarray, he could not give a proper explanation to his son. Vladimir had to sort out the papers on his own.

Vladimir Dubrovsky was in his twenty-third year when he returned to his native Kistenevka. During the long years of absence, he hardly missed the family estate. When he returned home, longing took possession of him. Kistenevka now belonged to Troekurov. The Dubrovskys lived their last days in the village that belonged to them by right. Andrei Gavrilovich died a few days after the return of his son.


After the funeral of the former owner of Kistenevka, officials arrived, henchmen of Troekurov, in order to announce that the village was passing into the possession of a formidable landowner. On this day, Vladimir committed his first noble crime. On the night when he ordered his peasants to burn down the house in which he was born and lived the first years of his life, his father died, and now the clerks were sleeping, the nobleman, the son of the landowner Andrei Gavrilovich, died. But a new man was born - the desperate robber Dubrovsky.


And a few months after the fire, a tutor appeared on the Troekurov estate. The young Frenchman provided the documents, and then transgressed to his duties, that is, teaching Troekurov's son to read and write and geography. Deforge, and that was the name of the newly arrived tutor, showed unprecedented courage in the very first days of his stay on the estate of a rich and depraved landowner. He, having become a victim of cruel Troyekurov's amusements, ended up in a cage with a bear. However, Deforge, unlike his predecessors, did not get cold feet, but shot the beast in cold blood.

This Frenchman was the Russian nobleman Dubrovsky. For a long time he hatched a plan of revenge on Troekurov. And when one fine day he met a Frenchman heading to the estate of an enemy, he bribed him and, having received documents, took the place of a teacher.

Vladimir pretended to be a foreigner for several months. Nothing in it betrayed a Russian officer, except for the incident with the bear. The fact that he managed to impersonate Deforge and deceive Troekurov speaks of his purposefulness and composure. However, Dubrovsky could not carry out his plan. Why didn't he take revenge on Troekurov?


The character of Vladimir Dubrovsky, briefly described in the article, includes such qualities as honesty, fearlessness. He was able to reach the end to carry out his plan. But living in Troekurov's house under the guise of a teacher, Dubrovsky fell in love with Masha. Vladimir committed many, though noble, but still crimes. Former peasants from the Dubrovsky gang robbed wealthy landowners and committed excesses. However, Vladimir could not get even with the father of his beloved girl (even considering that he was the hated Troekurov). Dubrovsky is a hero who has become a symbol of nobility, honor and loyalty to his word.

Dubrovsky - the main character of the novel - the son of a poor landowner Andrei Dubrovsky. He is a very brave, serious person, his appearance is quite attractive, although at first glance it did not stand out very much among the nobles. He had a rather pale face, straight nose and blond hair. Of particular note is his voice. It is very resonant and charming. All this makes him look very noble.

It is also worth noting his other equally important good qualities: kindness, honesty, generosity, mannerisms, generosity, courage. But there were some shortcomings in it, such as: extravagance, gambling. While in St. Petersburg, he lost a lot of money in cards. But its most important and good quality is humanity. He loved his father very much and was worried about his health, and his undoubted spiritual kindness is also shown by the fact that he loved his father's serfs very much. The fact that Dubrovsky is really kind is also evidenced by the fact that he fell in love with Maria, although her father, Kirill Petrovich Troekurov, was his sworn enemy. Vladimir was ready to forgive any offenses related to money, if only Masha's heart belonged only to him.

For this man, there was practically no difficulty in anything, he easily learned French, pretended to be a teacher, and for a long time studied dancing and singing with Maria. He was also engaged in teaching the son of Troekurov - Sasha, he taught him geography and arithmetic.

The case when Dubrovsky was thrown into a room with a bear (Troyekurov liked to do such things, he liked to feel the fear of people) also shows his courage, instead of screaming and calling for help, he kills the bear. But do not forget that he was still a vindictive person. After all, it was he who came up with this cunning plan, how to take revenge on Troekurov, from the murder of which Vladimir's love for his daughter saves.

Dubrovsky was a man who was wise and clever beyond his years. After all, any case related to robbery and crime is very difficult to do so as not to leave traces. It is also worth noting that Vladimir knew human psychology well. He knew how to negotiate with a real teacher, how to ingratiate himself with Troekurov so that he would not even realize that he was dealing with Dubrovsky. In many cases, he can overcome himself and this is very good for absolutely any person.

I believe that Vladimir Dubrovsky is a real man, possessing invaluable qualities and skills, having a huge reserve of wisdom, kindness and knowledge.

Option 2

Vladimir Dubrovsky was the son of a poor landowner. A young man, aged twenty-three, of medium height, with large brown eyes and blond hair. Typical Slavic appearance. There are many such men in Russia. Well-trained voice, able to give the appearance of majesty.

Behind this lies a little boy who lost his mother early. And his father, not knowing what to do with him, sent him to study military affairs in the Cadet Corps. It was located in Petersburg. Then he was released into the guards and served in the guards regiment. It seemed, finally, fate smiled at the poor boy. And a brilliant military career awaits him.

Balls, beauties, champagne until the morning. He loses and spends all the money his father sends him. It seems to him that such a life will always be.

But it was not there! Fate decided to test Vladimir for strength. His father suddenly dies, and he was forced to leave military service and move to live in a family estate. But fate did not stop there. Because of a quarrel with his father, an old neighbor Troekurov takes the estate through the court. Dubrovsky sets fire to the house so that the offender does not get it, dismisses the servants and takes the path of robbery.

The surrounding estates flared up. He robs everyone on the roads. But not in a state of blind rage. Here is the money that was intended for the guards officer, he returned it back. But Troekurov's estate stands whole and unharmed. Vladimir develops a plan. He decides to brutally take revenge on the offender. To do this, he pretends to be a French teacher and enters Troekurov's house. What is interesting, he wanted to do? But how could he think that he would fall in love with the daughter of his enemy - Masha.

The feeling was mutual. Young people decide to run abroad. And again, fate tests Vladimir for strength. His note, intended for his girlfriend, gets misplaced. Maria is forcibly given in marriage to an unloved person - the old prince. For Troyekurov, her future fate is not important. After all, the prince will pay a lot of money for Masha.

And what to take from Dubrovsky? He is poor and not a landowner, and not a military man. Yes, even if he were rich, Troekurov would still not marry his daughter to him.

Dubrovsky no longer holds anything in his native land, he dissolves his gang and leaves his native places forever. Looting and robbery stopped. Left without a leader, the peasants dispersed in all directions. According to rumors, he is going abroad. No one will follow him there.

Dubrovsky is a contradictory nature. On the one hand, he is honest, kind, brave, on the other hand, he embarked on the path of robbery, since legal methods of struggle do not help. Such are the Russian people. Therefore, foreigners cannot understand our person.

Composition about Vladimir Dubrovsky

Vladimir Dubrovsky is one of the main characters of the work, who, over the course of the story, turns from a young rake into a noble and honest young man.

At the beginning of the story, Vladimir is described by the author as a young officer, leading an idle lifestyle, not caring about the availability of financial resources, recklessly confident that his father will always give him money. He carelessly spends his days in entertainment, playing cards, not thinking about the future life and dreaming of a rich bride.

At one point, Vladimir learns that his father is dying and without hesitation, leaving his friends and reckless life, hastily goes to his native estate.

Returning to his father's house, Vladimir realizes that he loves and worries about his sick father very much, he terribly misses his tender nanny, the places familiar from childhood in the district are the most reverent and most beautiful.

Dubrovsky learns about the cause of his father's illness and about the unseemly act of the neighboring landowner Troekurov, who decided to take away their family estate. A young and fearless man decides to avenge the death of his father and takes the path of robbery and robbery.

However, Vladimir does not become a robber in the truest sense of the word, since he persecutes and punishes only the guilty, from his point of view, people who, due to their greed, self-interest and stupidity, are deprived of ordinary human qualities and principles. Taking money from rich and influential people, Dubrovsky does not appropriate it for himself, but distributes coins to needy peasants.

Dubrovsky also shows comradely feelings, having learned that the money selected in one of the attacks is intended for a guards officer. Vladimir returns them to the military mother, confessing that he made a mistake and did not want to offend the officer's comrade.

Having experienced a pure and sublime feeling for Troekurov's daughter Maria, Dubrovsky understands that his love is much more important than a sense of revenge and decides to stop his predatory activities, realizing that it is unreasonable and useless.

Sample 4

This magnificent work is included in a collection of stories that represent such a goal, thanks to which the reader will have the opportunity to understand how people lived at that time, and that even despite a certain generalization of concepts and images, there are still such cases thanks to which one can say that individualization is an integral part of literature. This also applies to the image of Dubrovsky, who originally belonged to the class of the nobility, but due to the fact that he lost his estate, and ceased to be such, he managed to get together in time and make the right and rational decisions that could only be made by an adequate and honest person.

It is worth noting that the hero’s childhood was good and he grew up as a very spoiled child, but despite all this, he was not an evil, selfish and insidious person. When he learned that his father was ill, he immediately rushed to his aid. Arriving at his native estate, he finds that the cause of his illness is a quarrel with a neighbor named Troekurov, who actually brings him to a nervous breakdown, from which his father has a heart attack, from which he eventually died. For Dubrovsky, this person is declared an enemy, and he considers the current goal of his life to begin to take revenge on him, and to do everything possible so that his father's estate remains with him. However, by a court decision, it passes into the hands of that same neighbor.

Then Vladimir becomes embittered by these life circumstances, and decides to become a robber, but with his own philosophy in this matter. That is, he robbed only those whom, at his own discretion, he considered bad and corrupt people, who in fact did not have the right to have such large financial savings. However, when he falls in love with Masha, he almost immediately abandons the idea of ​​​​taking revenge on someone, since the girl herself becomes the goal of his life. Then he decides to get a job at that very estate, even though he does not stop hating Troekurov. He does this solely for the sake of being closer to his beloved. Also, it is worth noting that when he finds out that the girl decides to arrange her own marriage with the person she does not like, he accepts her decision, and does not choose the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bvengeance, leaving her alone. The work is very realistic, bright and relevant, it shows the basics of what decisions need to be made, despite the fact that the choice can be extremely difficult.

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