How to live with a Sagittarius man. How to date a shooter

Sagittarius is one of the most controversial zodiac signs. Because of this, it is sometimes very difficult for women to understand how to behave with such men. We will help you understand this difficult issue: we will tell you about their views on relationships, the requirements that they place on their chosen ones, and life priorities.

Representatives of this zodiac sign, as a rule, are prone to creativity. If their profession does not give them creative satisfaction, then they try to realize themselves with the help of a hobby. They love to travel and are often into extreme sports. It is important for them to be constantly passionate about something.

Your union with the Sagittarius man will be harmonious and long-lasting if you, like him, value independence and freedom in relationships. Before you win the attention of a representative of this sign, answer yourself the question - are you ready to give him complete freedom, and also come to terms with the fact that you may not be in his first place? After all, the character of Sagittarius cannot be changed, it remains only to come to terms with him.

Sagittarians are freedom-loving and have great vitality. Perhaps that is why ladies like representatives of this sign so much. To win their love, it is important to behave correctly, because if something goes wrong, they will quickly disappear from your life. Just be prepared for the fact that Sagittarians perceive love not as a serious relationship, but as an exciting journey that gives new sensations and emotions.

The Sagittarius man appreciates the similarity of thinking in a woman more than external attractiveness. A life partner must necessarily share his views and hobbies. If your chosen one loves computer games, then play with him with pleasure, if he is fond of some kind of sport, then try to understand its intricacies and join, if possible. But all this must be done not through “I don’t want to”, but with enthusiasm and sincerity.

For Sagittarians, home comfort is very important. And this is not only maintaining cleanliness and cooking, but also creating a psychologically comfortable atmosphere at home - representatives of this sign are extremely negative about quarrels, so they try not to start relationships with scandalous women. A woman's ability to be a good housewife can be a useful trump card in the fight for the heart of such a man.

However, it will be a mistake to win his sympathy with cooking and home comfort alone. Yes, these qualities are important and Sagittarius appreciates them, but you don’t have to become a domestic woman who, apart from domestic problems, is not interested in anything. Be relaxed, show your willingness to adventure and travel with him.

Behave with such a guy in such a way that you become for him both a lover and a good friend. Even being with him, never limit him - let him be free. Sagittarius, as a rule, do not look for strong connections - they are more attracted to easy, easy relationships.

Trying to bind him to yourself, you will achieve only the opposite effect - his sympathy for you will quickly pass, because he will immediately figure out your intentions. Stay a little mysterious and surprise him so that he can continuously admire you. Emotional upsurge in a relationship is very important for Sagittarius. Trying to change his habits will also not lead to anything good. You can only change your attitude towards them - behave more condescendingly, be more tolerant (within reason, of course).

Sagittarius just needs freedom, he needs personal space and everything that allows him to feel independent. So watch your behavior carefully. If you ask him too often what he did, where he was, what he plans to do, then this will only cause aggression on the part of Sagittarius. No need to eavesdrop on his conversations and secretly read messages - otherwise you will not have the opportunity to build a relationship with such a man. Reasonable and unreasonable demonstration of jealousy will also unnerve him.

For a serious relationship, such men choose women whom they can completely trust. But meetings only for one night do not scare them. They are ready to give a lot to their beloved woman. In a relationship, sex plays an important role for them. With Sagittarius, it is undesirable to use sex as a manipulation - he will definitely not like this behavior.

The image of an ideal woman for representatives of this sign looks something like this: inquisitive, with a sense of humor, sociable and not insecure. Suspicious, jealous, limited and boring persons next to such a man cannot be - they simply do not attract him. If you like to develop, discover new facets in yourself, travel and are ready for experiments, then you can quite claim the role of his female ideal.

External attractiveness for Sagittarius, of course, is important, but first of all they are attracted by intelligence. Representatives of this sign choose a life partner, as a rule, from their social circle. To attract the attention of a Sagittarius, you must behave with dignity, be able to maintain an intellectual conversation. This quality for Sagittarius is even more important than thriftiness and sexuality. It is important for him that his wife shares his beliefs and interests, can easily find a common language with his relatives and friends. He considers his life partner more as a friend than the mother of his children or the mistress of the house.

Marrying Sagittarius to yourself is not an easy task. To start you

you need to learn to live with him in one rhythm, to share his aspirations. There is no need to underestimate your abilities so as not to hurt the ego of your beloved - everything is different with Sagittarius. He is even flattered if the woman he loves surpasses him in anything, because he wants to see the best and most beautiful woman in the world as his life partner.

Being with a Sagittarius, of course, is not easy. If you decide to conquer a representative of this zodiac sign, then you are probably not a supporter of a calm, measured life. Adventure, travel, excitement, adrenaline, unpredictability - that's what such a restless man needs. If you are ready to share all this with him, then take on board the tips we have proposed on how to behave correctly, and begin to act.

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When I learned to do acupressure of the face, I encountered such a complexity of the execution technique that when I press on one or another point, I move the skin, but I can’t do it.

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Let's talk heart to heart? If you dream of a man who was born in November or December and belongs to such a zodiac sign as Sagittarius, then do not be sad. A Sagittarius man can fall in love with himself, you just need to know how. After all, men of this sign have bright characteristics that can be skillfully used.

Remember how a Sagittarius man behaves

A man born under the sign of Sagittarius is sociable, friendly, tireless and active. These are all good qualities that will be useful to a woman in love with him. To draw attention to yourself, you need to know how the Sagittarius man behaves. And he likes to talk a lot and win the attention of other people. Use this character trait. When you meet your loved one, encourage him to talk about himself as much as possible. For such a man to think about you, a significant part of the conversation should be devoted to topics about his interests, his views. Invite him, for example, to talk about his childhood or his achievements.

Do not forget to praise him, admire his successes. Make him feel special in your eyes. Indispensable. Ask his opinion about something or advice. Show that his recommendation is important to you. Do not skimp on such phrases: “What a great fellow you are!”, “But I didn’t know that!”, “How cool you said it!” After all, Sagittarians really appreciate a benevolent attitude towards themselves. Conversely, they do not like being criticized.

Learn how to understand a Sagittarius man

The Sagittarius man loves freedom very much. He is often fascinated by new projects. He is more interested in acting and bringing his ideas to life than building romantic relationships. That is why it is important to know how to behave with a Sagittarius man.

  • Don't be in a hurry to give it to him. Let there be intrigue and mystery.
  • It’s good if he notices that you are in demand, someone else needs you. For example, let them call you in his presence. Make new friends among men in the social network, chat with other men. It will look very beneficial if someone gives you a ride. Another man, of course.
  • You are extraordinary and needed by others. Let him see it. But at the same time, don't cross the line.
  • Stay a "good girl" so that you can't find fault with you. All these other men are either work colleagues or distant friends. The Sagittarius man should not suspect that you are deceiving him.

How do you know if he's in love?

To understand if a Sagittarius man is in love with you, you need to remember a few secrets by which you can determine his feelings.

  • Take a look at him. When a beloved appears, Sagittarius speaks softer and rougher. Yes, yes, this soul of the company and a connoisseur of etiquette will not be able to cope with himself with you if he is in love.
  • His breathing will quicken. By the way, advice: adjust to his breathing rate, breathe at the same time as him. This insignificant psychological technique unites people very much, and even more so lovers.
  • Pay attention to how he looks at you. The look of a Sagittarius in love is a look into your eyes, not at your forms, but deep into your eyes, into your very soul.
  • And the last sign of Sagittarius's love, associated with his constant sociability, is the desire to show you to his friends and introduce you to relatives. This is definitely a sign of serious intentions. By the way, do not forget that Sagittarians usually start one family and forever.

Be bright. Think over your outfit. The Sagittarius man will pay attention to you if you look feminine. Be sure to wear a dress or skirt. Definitely shoes with heels. Choose colors that are colorful but tasteful.

Remember the main characteristics of Sagittarius, they will tell you how to win a Sagittarius man. It is cheerfulness and optimism. So be yourself. Enjoy life, enjoy yourself. Do not be afraid of anything. Enjoy everything you do. Here is the first secret. This energy of love of life and positive coming from you will be transmitted to him, your beloved man. And Sagittarius likes such energy, this is his wave, so be on his wave! Think about everything that can strain you, and eliminate it. Let him feel that you are cool. Do it for the love of him.

By the way, there is one trick that will help you not be shy in front of your beloved Sagittarius man. Imagine that he is a child. Try it, you will immediately feel better with it.

The second secret of how to conquer a Sagittarius man is related to the first. Don't be too serious and solid. Remember that Sagittarius is a little bit of a child, this is Robin Hood. So play with him a little, flirt. Speak words of admiration and inspire him. Here's how to please a Sagittarius man. Many women make one mistake. They talk too seriously with the Sagittarius man. Do you want to stand out from others? Then talk to him like a child, playfully. Don't forget to smile, tease him, get interested in something related to him, joke, compliment him.

Then he will fall in love. After all, everything around is very gray and serious, life is hard. Most don't. And you be extraordinary! Now you know how to attract a Sagittarius man.


Zodiac signsCompatibilityLoveCommunication
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What to do if you lose your beloved Sagittarius man?

Solving the question of how to keep a Sagittarius man will require a little of your ingenuity. Let your lover act as your savior. Come up with, and if necessary, then fabricate a situation in which your man saves you from trouble. It must have been something very urgent when his help was needed. For example, you twisted your leg and you need to go to the hospital; the computer is broken, and the work is on fire; A pipe burst and urgently needed help. Let him feel like a knight, strong and superior. Indispensable. Make him feel very valuable to you. For Sagittarius, a heroic deed is very important.

Another recipe works flawlessly. It is based on the psychological characteristics of Sagittarius. We need to experience together a sharp sense of danger. For example, take a ride on some extreme carousel or a dangerous Ferris wheel. Or go to a scary place full of legends. By the way, there are a lot of such places in our country, and for sure there will be some abandoned bridge, a wasteland, something mysterious in your city. It is necessary to experience thrills that will not be quickly forgotten. Adrenaline will make both of you breathe faster and your hearts will beat faster. This will help to get closer and restore the old warm relationship.

How to return a Sagittarius man?

If a loved one has left, you must first think about why this happened. What didn't suit him in you? Why did he decide to leave? Do not forget that a relationship with a Sagittarius is always a compromise. The only way to get a Sagittarius man back is to make him want to come back.

  • Your emotions should be in your control. For starters, get distracted: go to the gym, buy new things, stop chasing him.
  • When you understand yourself, you can think about it. If a Sagittarius man decided to leave you, he didn’t like the old you. Do not Cry! It can be fixed. Gain confidence and indulgence.
  • Create a new image of yourself. If you start to restore relationships, and you behave the same way as before, then the effect will be zero. There should be no return of past connections. We need to prepare for new ones.
  • Stop all contact with him for a while. Make an effort on yourself, emphasize the chill. How to demonstrate this to a Sagittarius man? Use the social network!
  • Post pictures of yourself happy and beautiful. Yes, it's not easy, but it's effective. Even if you have to buy yourself a bouquet of gorgeous roses, do it. Take a picture and post these photos with flowers on the wall in the social network with some intriguing caption: “Cool evening! Thanks!"
  • Prove that you are well and needed by others, that you have many friends who love you. And even if it is not, create such an image. The Sagittarius man will perceive you just like that. He will be attracted by your optimism and positivity. Show him that you're awesome.

Your task is to evoke positive emotions in him, a desire to return. Be brave. Go to your happiness by applying all these methods, and your adorable Sagittarius man will be at your feet.

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Orthodox calendar

Monday, March 2, 2020(February 18 O.S.)
Week 1 of Great Lent
St. Leo, Pope (461)
Saints' Day:
St. Agapita isp., ep. Sinadsky (IV). St. Flavian Spanish, Patriarch of Tsaregrad (449-450). Rev. Cosmas of Yakhroma (1492).
Memorial Day of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Rev. Vladimir Terentiev Spanish (1933).
Great post.
Marriage is not performed during Great Lent.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
For eternity: - Gen. 1:1-20; Proverbs 1:1-20
Morning: - Ps.24-31; Ps.32-36; Ps.37-45 For eternity: - Ps.119-133

Acquaintance with a Sagittarius man will bring both of you pleasure only if you attract his attention with your grace and beauty and your passion for adventure. Sagittarius will never be interested in a woman living in everyday worries. This way of life: work-home, home-work, and sometimes going to the theater or visiting friends - does not suit him. He needs shock, risk, unpredictable situations. If you demonstrate this, he will consider you a worthy chosen one. You must make it clear to him that not only do you know How to behave with a Sagittarius man, but you want to expand its palette of sensations and experiences. So, we will give you 7 practical recipes for seducing men of this zodiac sign.

1) The soul of Sagittarius will be touched by a cheerful, imaginative, temperamental woman who lives in a world of adventure and beauty, in an atmosphere of all-encompassing happiness.

2) Understanding how to behave with a Sagittarius man is easy. Always be with him, but never limit him in anything, let him feel free, even when you are together. Become a friend, lover and friend at the same time. This will please him very much, and he will be eager to show you how great it is to go through life together with him.

Third, you should not allow even a slight manifestation of aggressiveness. Sagittarius should not feel limited, even the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe possibility of attachment or dependence is disgusting to him. Sagittarius needs a lot of air and freedom, a lot of space - everything that makes it possible for him to maintain his independence. Therefore, a woman must remember how to behave with a Sagittarius man, and that woman who constantly asks him questions, asking where he was yesterday or what he will do tomorrow, reading letters addressed to him and eavesdropping on his telephone conversations, will unnerve him. He wants to get away from her as far as possible, and without explanation! The same applies to demonstrations of jealousy - unfounded and justified.

4) No need to try to change his habits, follow him. Only you yourself can change, becoming more indulgent and more tolerant - of course, within reasonable limits. Sagittarius will be able to appreciate this and, if the opportunity arises, he will cut his independence.

5) Do not annoy him, otherwise he will take the intention to leave. And if you want to hurt him, the result will be the same: he will not want to stay with the one who causes him suffering. And he suffers when his personal freedom is taken away from him.

6) Trying to tie him to you, you will most likely break the thread of sympathy that stretches between you, as he will instantly understand what you are striving for. Seventh and last, remembering his enthusiasm and enthusiasm, do not upset him in a harsh manner, since he can feel happy only in a state of continuous admiration, emotional uplift and excitement.

Sagittarius, as astrologers say, is a diagnosis. Not fatal, of course. But delivering a lot of inconvenience to those who are nearby. The term "hyperactivity" was coined solely to describe them, and 80% of the treason cases investigated by private detectives concern Sagittarius men. At the same time, in 90% of cases, there is no betrayal, only suspicions of the spouse tortured by uncertainty.

Fragment of the women's dialogue:

- Can you imagine, he came in the morning, all in lipstick with a bouquet of artificial flowers and a new tattoo. It has my name on it. I don't know what to think.

- Oh, well, what do you want, he is your Sagittarius.

Well, are you scared? No more dating Sagittarius? And very in vain!


If Captain Jack Sparrow had a real biography, he would certainly have been born somewhere between the twentieth of November and the end of December. This is the time of Sagittarius, at this time they are born the most charming and restless men. They are incredibly lucky, they are liked by all women from classmates to old ladies on a bench in the yard, even after a fight, rain and sewer repair, they look like a fashionable picture, have crowds of admirers and, sadly, not a single true friend.

Women throw their hearts and hands and honor at their feet, and they... And they don't appreciate it. Because they are looking for something else in life.

Only youth, only hardcore

If you wondered how to fall in love with a Sagittarius man, then this is a serious matter. And first of all, before it’s too late, you need to think: “Do I need it?” After all, this sign of the Zodiac is forever young, ready for pranks, fanatically devoted to his hobbies, does not sit still and does not like to spend the weekend in an armchair with a newspaper.

What a Sagittarius man loves is to be an idol, an icon, and the biggest boss in the world. He is ambitious but unsure of himself. Therefore, he must be constantly praised and pushed to further actions. And sometimes it’s better to put down the gingerbread and pick up the whip. But it won't help for long.

You can rely on Sagittarius only in one case - if he himself is interested in the case that he received. Otherwise, he will pull the bagpipe, the cat by the tail, the ox by the causal place and put off a useful undertaking in the longest possible box.

And if he is not happy, then no one around will be happy either. First of all, this applies to a wife or a permanent girlfriend.

But! But! But! Sagittarius is the perfect man for those girls who hate dull evenings in front of the TV and the monotony in anything.

Mrs. Sagittarius: how to win the heart of a Sagittarius man

If you are ready to conquer Niagara on an eggplant raft with your boyfriend, collect refrigerators and lose your virginity in the library, you are a potential wife of Sagittarius.

If his irrepressible fantasy finds active support from you, together you will turn off both Everest and Chomolungma.

The author of this article has Sagittarius friends who are lucky with their wives. As a result: one eco-tourism center was opened, one mega-successful rock and roll project was born, a small computer empire was built. And all this is thanks to the ardent support of loving women who have managed to tame the energy of Sagittarius and direct it in an unexpected and promising direction.

And for these lucky ones, their wives are the best in the world.

Hey baby, how about going to the registry office?

How to understand that a Sagittarius man loves you? If he calls at least twice a week, remembers when your birthday is and fulfilled your three requests in a row, then he is head over heels in love.

All that is required of you is to demand nothing. One has only to switch to the prosecutor's intonation - and that's it, your Sagittarius will run away forever. He hates interrogations, confrontations and other clarifications of the details of his bohemian life.

So his woman has to either accompany him everywhere (and he is unlikely to allow this), or lead an equally active life, consistent with her interests, or calmly cook dinner, raise children and spud potatoes, without straining about the absence of her careless half. Did you come back the same year you left? Excellent! Do you remember the names of the children? Generally great.

Particularly phlegmatic ladies simply perceive their Sagittarius husbands as another child in the family. This position saves a lot of nerve cells.

But a cheerful girl with a bunch of her own interests and even cockroaches will conquer him at first sight. Perhaps the very next day he will make an offer ... in sms.

So if you are racking your brains on the subject - how to attract a Sagittarius man - do not strain. Relax, dance through life, smile and do what you love. He will come to you and want to stay.

Shoot (an apple from an apple tree ...)

The descendants of Sagittarius grow up to be the same energetic dreamers. But at the same time, they are not very proud of their parent. Let this fact console those women who grow up will be shot in one hand while their betrothed disappears at attic parties.

If a Sagittarius man loves...

…and this happens even more often than you might think! In this case, he:

  • does not change
  • cheating, but very, very secretly, so that the beloved will never know
  • writes poems
  • willing to go shopping, but only if given a shopping list
  • speaks of his beloved with respect
  • walks with his beloved to theaters, art galleries and small coffee houses
  • looking tenderly, holding hands
  • ready to spend at least half of his day with his beloved (more - hardly)
  • birthday will be on time
  • in the remaining 364 days, he will definitely call and say that he is delayed (where, with whom and for how long - he will not specify)

But with him it is always fun, interesting and he is not a whiner. These are qualities that bring him closer to the ideal.

How to break up with a Sagittarius man

You just need to put into practice nightly interrogations- where, with whom, why, until when and what kind of smell is this, and how much you can drink, but when it all ends, etc.

A week later, he will move into the kitchen. After two more days, he will find a new love. The main thing is to let him know that you will not be very offended if he leaves your hospitable living space.

Winning a Sagittarius man is easy, losing is even easier. But in this lightness lies the charm of being, which can only be given to a woman by one who is both a husband, a lover, and a friend.

Have you been captivated by the charm of an optimistic, energetic and unique Sagittarius man? Looking to strengthen your relationship? Try to take into account all the nuances of the character of your loved one. Remember his tastes, study his interests, strive for sky-high distances with him. This man is surprisingly active, dreamy and loves to shoot his arrows into the unknown, suspecting that it is there, at an unattainable height, that his ideal is located. With Sagittarius, you will have to be tactful, and sometimes endure insults from him. It is direct and sometimes unbearable. But with him you will definitely not be bored, and his sensitivity and ability to support in difficult times inspire respect. Some of the qualities of your chosen one will seem to you at first as shortcomings. Take a closer look - you will understand that these are also peculiar advantages. And they will also help you keep the Sagittarius man around for life.

Sagittarius man: An honest and elusive optimist. How to treat him right
Do you really want to live harmoniously and happily with Sagittarius for many years to come? Make your relationship pleasant, attract this man and not let go? Then you need to understand the main features of his character and begin to build the right strategy of behavior.
  1. Frank and naive. Have you already seriously taken offense at the Sagittarius man after hearing an indelicate remark from him? Try to get used to the manners of your loved one. He is sincere and natural, considers it quite normal to immediately say what came to his mind. Decency is the last thing he thinks about. This feature of Sagittarius should not come between you. He doesn't want to upset you at all.
  2. Rectilinear. The Sagittarius man is used to saying everything directly. Do you still remember how, on the first day of your acquaintance, he invited you to become his mistress, shocking you? Not so long ago, he innocently told you about a new acquaintance who is “very even nothing”? Do not worry. Calmly develop your strategy and think about how you can better keep the Sagittarius man.
  3. Honest and open. Your loved one not only calmly shares his thoughts, but also honestly answers questions. If you have suspicions of treason, you want to know something or achieve certainty, you will not have problems with Sagittarius. He will tell you everything. As a result, you will be able to correctly build behavior - because you will rely on truthful information.
  4. Emotional and loving. Falling in love with a Sagittarius man is easy enough. If you are an attractive and stylish woman, take care of yourself, in certain situations Sagittarius can quickly catch fire with passion. However, his impressions are fleeting. Some time will pass, in the same way his attention will be riveted to another woman. Remember this. Relationships with your chosen one must be strengthened, even if it seemed to you that he was completely subdued.
  5. Elusive. Yes, you have already decided that the Sagittarius man has got into your networks forever. However, everything can be decided by a couple of moments. The word "marriage" is especially hard on Sagittarius. One combination of these sounds causes a reaction in him that resembles a severe allergy. Eliminate this definition from your vocabulary, otherwise your chosen one will flee.
  6. Flirting master. Your loved one appreciates light, superficial relationships most of all. He can be gentle, affectionate, full of compliments and wonderful flattery. But this does not mean that you are a contender for the place of a wife, and not one of his mistresses. You will have to convince the chosen one that you are the best match for him in order to keep the Sagittarius man nearby. Otherwise, he will again embark on a search for another muse.
  7. Outrageous. Sometimes the behavior of Sagittarius becomes unpredictable, and it may seem frankly indecent to you. Get used to it. Outrageousness is characteristic of this man, at times he will shock you.
  8. Dreamer. It is typical for a Sagittarius man to look for obviously unattainable goals and try to get closer to them. He is an idealist and a dreamer, he likes to play such a game with mirages. Like a little child. Imagine that this is just his hobby. You should not cut Sagittarius' wings - you still won't succeed. It will just fly away from you.
  9. Free. Any pressure, aggression, methods of manipulation are perceived by the Sagittarius man very sharply. He will not tolerate a woman next to her who wants to lead all the time in a pair. Give him the first place.
  10. Outgoing. If you quarreled with your loved one, it will be easier for you to restore contact with him. The Sagittarius man attracts with his good nature, appeasement. He will immediately repent when he sees your grief, tears. But still try not to test his patience for a long time. Just in case.
  11. Active. A distinctive feature of Sagittarius is its amazing activity. He goes in for sports, goes hiking, lays new routes and conquers peaks. You will not have to sit in one place with such a loved one. Share his interests with him and accompany Sagittarius everywhere. He will appreciate it and see you as a kindred spirit.
  12. Optimist. You should not be embarrassed if, in a difficult situation, a Sagittarius man starts joking with you, and instead of decline and sadness, you will see an expression of confidence on his face. He is an incorrigible optimist. And why change it? Your loved one simply shines with positive energy - take an example from him. He really will overcome everything.
Get ready for an active and eventful life if you decide to share it with a Sagittarius man. Sparkling, purposeful and dreamy, he is able to spin you in a real whirlpool. Do not lose your head and control the situation yourself. With this man, you can feel that he threw you high, high, to the very stars, but... he forgot to catch you. Don't be upset. Delve into his hobbies, share his hobbies and complement him with poise and the ability to reason sensibly. Then you will be able to keep the Sagittarius man and create a harmonious union with him.

How to keep a Sagittarius man? Your successful tactic
Be careful when building relationships with your loved one, and follow simple advice. You will succeed.

  1. Associate and reliable partner. You need to carefully study all the tastes and preferences of Sagittarius, sincerely immerse yourself in his hobbies. At the same time, one should demonstrate ingenuity, the ability to quickly resolve emerging issues.
  2. Don't pressure. The persistent desire to "direct in the right direction" the Sagittarius man will definitely not like it. He does not accept any pressure. Avoid such tricks. If you want to advise something, do it as diplomatically as possible, only in the form of a proposal. You can imagine everything as if you are consulting with him. Don't forget about arguments.
  3. Softness. You have to show maximum femininity and tenderness when communicating with Sagittarius. He does not tolerate discussions and conflicts. Under no circumstances should you have a relationship with him. Even if some dispute has already arisen, demonstrate your ability to compromise.
  4. Femininity. If you dream of leading in a pair, you will not succeed with a Sagittarius man. Change. He will be happy to take care of you, take care of you. Become fragile, affectionate, obedient.
  5. Show off your personality. You will need to achieve the perfect combination of willingness to obey Sagittarius with the manifestation of independence. You should not completely obey the Sagittarius man. Then you will lose the charm of the moment, and your complaisance will be perceived as inertia. Keep your individuality. By the way, completely harmless flirting with another man is also welcome. But as a poison - in minimal quantities.
With a Sagittarius man, it is important to be tactful and patient, optimistic and erudite. Your loved one will be happy to note your mind, demand, activity and cheerfulness. Forgive him for minor flaws and constantly make imperceptible efforts to keep the Sagittarius man. Do not talk directly about marriage, but find the right moment to talk about your desire to have a child. Sagittarius loves children and if he is positive, your offer will surely please him. And it's not far from marriage. The main thing is to always maintain love for you in the Sagittarius man. It is elusive, it cannot be chained to itself by force. Be a harmonious couple with him and fly kites together.
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